Monday, January 19, 2015

Productive Weekend

I woke with such an AWFUL headache yesterday!  I was sure that I wouldn't be getting much done around the house.  But long about noon my headache finally went away, and I managed to be pretty productive yesterday afternoon. 
I managed to clean the family room, playroom, and laundry room! 
I also made a "to-do" for each room.  Just odds and ends of things that need to get done.  It's displayed prominently in each room so Bill can see it....just in case he wants to do something on said "to-do" list.  He is retired after all!!

One thing on the list is figuring out how to disguise the dryer
vent and cord in the photo above.  Any ideas?

I also want to (finally) get this door painted...but not white. 
I'm thinking a nice, bright yellow or maybe some shade of green.

Then there's this peg board.  It needs to be attached to the wall....centered under the little girl in the blue dress and centered between her and the ledge.  That's written on the note too, so Bill knows exactly where to hang it...just in case he has time!

While I was cleaning I did a little laundry too.  I washed this quilt.  It was a thrift store purchase about a year ago.  I love the colors in's a happy quilt. 
It'll be even happier when I repair the frayed beige squares in it!
Happy Monday!!


  1. You were products, good for you. If I left those notes for Wade he would totally ignore them.

    To hide that dryer vent and cord maybe you could tack a valance underneath that shelf?

  2. You are definitely going about the jobs in the right way. However, my husband (who is retired too) needs more of nudge than just a list. I literally make appointments with him!!

  3. Those quilts have darling patterns in them. I love the idea of the apron hanging on the Window. Have a bless week...maybe your hubby will find time for his " honey do " list ;)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!