Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jo and Joe

Today we're celebrating two birthdays!
My son Joe and his wife Johanna.
Johanna's birthday was on December 23rd and Joe's was yesterday. 
Between Christmas, and Elijah's and Fletcher's birthdays,
 her birthday celebration kept getting delayed. 
But finally today is the day! 
Their dinner of choice (made by Bill) is chicken stir-fry with lots of yummy veggies,
and a big bowl of rice.  Plus donuts for dessert!
So the house will be full of family, food, and lots of fun!
Sure hope Joe and Jo have an excellent day!

Happy Birthday to Both of You!!


  1. Happy Birthday to both of them.

  2. Happy Birthday Jo and Joe! Pj

  3. Hope you all had a fun time celebrating Joe and Jo's birthdays. Donuts for dessert...that makes it simple. I am still basking in the glow of our meeting on Wednesday!!
    I am so annoyed that this cold (hoping it isn't going into bronchitis) has flattened me. I have so much to blog about now!!
    Stay tuned!

  4. How fun to celebrate these two! I am loving the donut stack with candles. I love donuts even without candles :)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!