Saturday, August 8, 2009

Dorks in Forks, Antiques & "C"

Well ~ they arrived at their destination! Mandy and her friends (also known as the Dorks in Forks) are on the west coast. They arrived in Portland, Oregon on Wednesday and headed for Washington State on Thursday. Mandy sent me a picture of Multnomah Falls on Thursday....on my cell phone. I have no idea how to get it from my cell phone to my laptop so I found one just like it online. Actually I found a billion just like's a popular Kodak moment!

Isn't this picture amazing!? The "Dorks" went on the bridge too ~ I can't wait to see those shots! Mandy promises that they're taking lots of pictures.

Today Katie and one more friend are heading for the west coast to meet up with Mandy's group. They're flying stand-by and it will probably take them all day to get to Portland (from Maryland) ~ so they won't join the group until Sunday morning. They'll be meeting them here.

On May 18th, 1980 the eruption of Mount St. Helens in southwest Washington state disrupted the lives of thousands and changed more than 200 square miles of rich forest into a grey, lifeless landscape. Now, more than twenty-six years later, the land around the mountain is slowly healing. Find out more here.

Besides Mount St. Helens, I know there are restaurants to visits, an old friend to see, and a really big bookstore they all want to check out. There's also a CUPCAKE store that is very high on their to-do list! Plus the antique mall they can't wait to go to...well, actually I mentioned that I would really like them to go to it and they seemed interested so hopefully they'll have time to check it out. There's a used book section inside so hopefully that will entice them! It's called Monticello Antique Marketplace.

Check out their page if you get a chance!
Yummy stuff!
I discovered Monticello while visiting another blog and I've been longing to see it ever since. Well, that's not happening in the foreseeable future so I'm living vicariously through the "dorks" plus two. I really want them to visit the display that belongs to Kathy at Colby Cottage, the blog where Monticello and I first met. Last night,I even showed Katie pictures of things I'd like them to pick up for me. I'm hoping for some wonderful goodies. Just look at all the lovely things Kathy has in her area!

I just read that Kathy will be opening her own shop ~ they'll "be filling the historical house to the brim with Antiques , home and garden decor, and various other treasures. We are also adding a coffee bistro and will cater to all customers whether it be High Tea or Mochas..." So now I have another reason to visit Oregon! Woo Hoo!

I'll be having fun while they're gone too! Miss Charlotte is here - and she's staying with me until Monday morning! She's sleeping right now (after all it is after 1am) because she needs to rest up for all the fun we'll be having. We're going to sing and dance and blow bubbles. There'll be a little shopping to do and bath time and some reading. There's even a wedding I hope we can attend! Cousin Penelope will be getting back from Texas late tonight and Uncle Joe and Elijah will be coming to visit on on Sunday ~ maybe there will be time for a dip in the pool then!
We're definitely going out to lunch today ~ but as much as she likes radishes ~ I think we'll be getting something else!

Monday morning her Daddy (he's got some work to do today and a special soccer game to go to tomorrow) will pick her up and I'll head off to work.....for a little rest!


  1. Oooooo-do you think they'd bring back one of those wonderful dress forms for me???? We'd have a ball there, wouldn't we Marie? We couldn't fly though-we'd have to a large truck I think! I love Charlotte and the radish-what an adventurous girl! Have fun this weekend. I completely understand how tired you will be come Monday...but a happy tired!

  2. You put me to shame are such a consistent blogger!!! I scrolled down to read about "Tammy", the Hedgehogs, cute kiddo pics, etc. I LOVE how you purchased the pin, brought it home and promptly lost it. If you ONLY knew how many times I've done that very thing! Glad you found it again.
    We lived in Eugene, Oregon when Mt. St. Helens happened. It's still hard to believe. We lived there for three years while my husband was in Graduate School at the UofO. Great memories!

  3. oooh, they MUST check out the cupcake shop!! Hope they have fun!!



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