Monday, August 10, 2009

Random Monday Memories

I remember when a weekend with a toddler was as easy as breathing! In fact I had days with multiple toddlers that were a piece of cake!

But this past weekend with my sweet Miss Charlotte showed me how out of practice I've become. In fact by Sunday evening I was pretty exhausted. The thought of being at work this morning seemed almost restful!

"Aww...come on Gramma! It wasn't that bad!"

Charlotte's right it wasn't! In fact all three grandbabies visited Sunday afternoon and I was still smiling! I would definitely do this again.....just not next weekend!


  1. I know exactly what you mean! Not only has my stamina changed but I am sure not as agile as I used to be. But we love that kind of exhaustion don't we? I hope you frame the picture of you and the children-you look so happy and it's a darling picture!

  2. Hi Marie,I can sure relate to this post...with seven grands and one on the way....well,they keep you on your toes for sure.
    Have a blessed week.....


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!