Thursday, June 3, 2010

Garden "spots"

Things are looking pretty nice in the garden this year. Not only is the Clematis growing I also have some pretty "shabby chic" roses.

My lavender is doing well ~ can you tell where the sun is?!

Some new Lilies and Hostas ~ this was taken just before they were planted.

Here's the little garden area in the front yard. That's "the gardener" standing there with his hoe and Mr. Portly is holding onto his favorite acorn.

My grandbabies love to look at (and touch) this little garden.
Well at least the girls do ~ Elijah is a little too busy to be interested in flowers right now.

The success in my gardening is still pretty spotty ~ it's nice to be able to crop out stuff that isn't doing as well. But I'm actually seeing some improvement this year!
Who knows what next year will bring. I may even taken a picture of the whole yard!!


  1. Hi Marie, that rose is so pretty! Your garden is coming along very well! You can make your own lavender pillows soon. Could it be that Mr. Portly had too many acorns already ;-)?
    Your grandkids are just so cute and they did very well playing soccer!
    Have a good night and lovely dreams,

  2. That is a PERFECT rose, indeed, and almost a sweet at the three little munchkins!

  3. such lovely blossoms in your yard, that rose is just perfect! I'm sure you will see improvement each year as your garden matures!

  4. Do you know what kind of rose that is? I love those old fashioed ones but I don't know what to look for. I bet the girlies liked the flowers...Charlie likes to pick clover and present them to you...howevr, he just picks the heads stem.

  5. i love the faux shroom! very cute! flowers and gardens are so magical to me!


  6. Your garden looks lovely Marie. I'm afraid it would take more than cropping to make my garden look even half as good :)


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