Friday, December 10, 2010

New Blog & Matchbox #10

I've been having a lot of fun with the matchbox swap that I'm in. So many different matchbox decorating ideas...everyone of them so cute! I love all the new ideas.  It's also wonderful to visit new blogs and "meet" new people.  One of the new blogs I discovered because of being in  A Swap for all Seasons  is Lambsworld.  It's filled with wonderful creations made by Linda.  Here's a peek at some super cute ornaments that Linda made.  I love these! 

"I've used an old poker chip, adorable Red Lead vintage Christmas images, some vintage wrapping paper for the rosettes and I attached it all to a glittery snowflake because you just have to have some glitter at Christmas..."

This one is my favorite.  I love the image of the sweet little girl.
 Thanks a bunch for letting me share your ornaments on my blog Linda!


Matchbox #10
How cute is this one!  A little house and gingerbread man plus a whole lot of dots!  Matchbox #10 is from Becky of Patchwork Posse.   I think the colors are so pretty on this one....and check out the cute little "drawer" with the button handle.  Plus the sweet little ornament inside!  Thanks so much Becky!


  1. This is adorable...that little gingerbread man looks like he's jumping for joy!

  2. Marie it was so sweet of you to show off my ornaments. Like you, I'm really enjoying visiting blogs and seeing what everyone is up to. There's so much creativity out there!

  3. The ornaments are SO CUTE! I love the Matchbox 10 gingerbread man too! Adorable!

    Thanks for linking up to my giveaway!


  4. Love what you've shared, Marie. I look forward to checking out those blogs. Your matchbox #10 is adorable!

  5. Marie, Taking a moment to catch up on your posts. Please know I am loving all these matchboxes, they are fantastic! Thanks for all the inspiration.

  6. They look so 'dainty'... love them! Hope you are staying warm over there.


  7. Oh what fun you're having with your matchboxes! They are all so interesting and charming - what a great swap you were in Marie!

  8. Marie, these little matchbox swaps are a really, really nice idea. Where are you all buying the boxes?
    Hugs, Diane

  9. Another cute matchbox. Love that ornament. I may have to try something like that. She is right of course about the glitter at Christmas :)

  10. These are so cute. I love that ornament.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!