Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Burlap Bee & Matchbox #9

Yesterday we had our office Christmas get together.  In years past we met on Sunday evenings at a restaurant ~ but yesterday we met for lunch at Geoff & Peggy's home.  I brought my camera but was too busy having fun ~ I took one picture the whole afternoon.  But even though I have no picture proof ~ I can tell you that I had a wonderful time!!  I'll try to do another post all about it, but for now here's a peek at one of my favorite gifts.  I received some wonderful gifts from my co-workers and my boss (loved them all) but
something about this gift from Peggy just delighted me.  This is a photo from the website ~ Ballard designs ~ isn't this tote bag great?!  It's BIG! About 15 x 22 inches.  
I love this bag and I can't wait to fill it up with "stuff"! 


Matchbox #9

Isn't this a pretty pink matchbox. The colors are so different & fun and I love the little bit of bling!  Tucked inside is one of my favorite things. A little embellished tile and it has one of my favorite words on it!  JOY.  This matchbox came from Amy of Paper Trails  By A Paper Lover.  Thank you Amy ~ I love it!!


  1. Love the tote... what a sweet match box... love the colors!

  2. I love how you are presenting all the boxes that you receive. I too have a box from Amy later on in the swap. Can't wait to open up now.

  3. We do our Christmas party right at the store while we're working. Not much of a party but then there's not much work going on that day
    Love that tote bag, and the matchbox is super cute.

  4. Hi Marie,
    I love that tote but I'm partial to bee images. The pink matchbox and charm are are so sweet! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my ornaments...feel free to show them...I love sharing ideas!

  5. The pink matchbox and gift are beautiful .... so is the tote bag, what a lovely present!

  6. Hi Marie! Love your blog and just wanted to let you know I received your box #9. Love the bottle cap magnet. Enjoy looking at your blog. Merry Christmas!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!