Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pretty in Pink

Okay, I promise.  This is the last photo of Lulu......this week!

We almost had another birthday stealer in the family! But Lulu decided to arrive the day before another family member's birthday.
Happy Birthday to my daughter-in-law Jacqi!
Hope you're having a great time in Florida!!
 Jacqi and I at Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World.
Feb. 2013



  1. Oh Marie, I am soooo enjoying the pictures of the beautiful baby. You need one of LuLu and Charlotte together. Keep them coming. Pj

  2. if you hadn't added the ...this week, I would have said that better not be a promise you intend to
    She is adorable


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!