Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Am So Blessed!

Look what the Lord has given me....
Three beautiful grandbabies to love!

Elijah helping Gramma in the kitchen! Actually he's probably helping Grampa or Aunt Mandy "cause Gramma doesn't love to cook!

Charlotte has recently learned to make this attractive face ~ a strange sniffing sound usually accompanies the silly look. It's especially attractive with sweet potatos!

Here's the newbie ~ little Penelope ~ snoozing, but still keeping an eye on her older cousins. I'm sure they'll have lots to teach her and she'll love it!

Happiness is having grandchildren to love and to hug and to kiss and to squeeze........


  1. Amen to the Grandchildren quote! Always like to visit on Wednesdays and see the little people. Laughed and laughed when I saw Charlotte's picture. It's a good thing she doesn't give you the raspberries with the sweet potatoes!

  2. Funny! My eldest made that same face that little Charlotte has perfected!

  3. There's NOTHING like precious grandchildren. :D These are the cutest photos.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!