Thursday, April 2, 2009

Order Please!

I've been going to meetings here for about two months.

I've been doing pretty well ~ I met my first goal ~ I lost 5% of my body weight so far! Now it's on to the 10% goal. I like the "little bit at a time" approach. Plus they give you shiny, sparkly stars when you meet a goal!!

Tonight I'm going here.

Did you know that they don't publish a nutrition statement for their menu!!

Makes you wonder what they have to hide!!
Although, I'm pretty certain I know what it's fat and calories!
How am I going to count my points? I've been able to find a little bit of nutritional information on the Internet ~ but not much. I've been browsing through the menu online too. There are a lot of grams of fat on that menu! It will be challenging, but I'm saving up most of my daily points and I have most of my weekly bonus points left too. I should be able to order something fairly yummy.....some of the salads look very tasty! I like chicken and salmon, so those might be options too!

But there will be no cheesecake for me....unless I can convince someone to give me a bite!

Wish me luck!!


  1. Good luck on the weight watchers!! You can do it!

    I got my swap package today and I love it! i also sent you an email, but you are soo creative! my laundry room thanks you for giving it that "special" touch!

  2. Congratulations on your loss! You, my dear, get a big WOOHOO! Can I add your name to my blog list on my other blog, myweightisover? I'm building a list of gals who are in the same boat as me.
    Good luck at the cheesecake factory... I'd stick to 3 or 4 small bites of whatever looks the least apt to bite you back, and a large cup of tea.
    Hugs, Kimberly

  3. Marie,
    Hello, just found your blog... glad I did I really enjoyed my visit tonight! Take care,


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!