Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Gave "The Gardener" a Raise!

It's been very dry in Maryland the past month or so and everything around my house is slowly turning brown.....except for the area that "The Gardener" is in charge of.

A little over a month ago I planted a little garden out by my front door. I figured plants had the best shot of survival in that spot because I pass it twice a day ~ hopefully I'd remember to water them! I also hired "The Gardener" at the same time.
Below is a photo from the original post. I put in ten different plants including one large pink wave petunia and two small purple and white petunias.

Next is the garden today. The pink petunia is "The Gardener's" favorite ~ it shows, don't you think! He is doing such a wonderful job caring for my little garden. Everything is thriving ~ and he's been such a good influence on me. I'm obviously remembering to water this garden ~ my Mom will be so proud of me!

By the way ~ do you see the new visitor in the garden? In the lower right hand corner ~ that fat fellow is "Mr. Portly". He's my newest squirrel ~ a birthday gift from my dear friend Patricia.


  1. I love it and you sound about as green thumbed as me (not very!!). I love the squirrel - he is very portly too!!

  2. Wow! Great job on remembering to water - my biggest summertime challenge. That garden looks great!

  3. Your little garden looks great-very lush! It's a good thing you gave you gardener a raise....he's been working hard. We finally have had a little rain so my herbs and flowers have perked up a bit. I'll be watching for my package Marie-can't wait!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!