Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ta Da! The Goodies......

Look it's a "tiny crown", strawberry pincushion & rose postcard.

Remember the little peek I gave you of the presents Katie & Mandy bought for me in Oregon. It was right here. Well here's a better look! See all the wonderful things my daughters put in this sweet little suitcase! I love everything!

Yes....that is a green squirrel!! He's the cutest little thing!

I love strawberries! This one has rhinestones!!

The strawberry pin cushion, rose postcard and the tiny crown came from Colby Cottage. My daughters said her display was just beautiful. They took a lot of pictures at Monticello and I'll be sharing some of them soon.
Didn't they buy some beautiful things for me!!


  1. What beautiful things your daughters gave you! You most certainly have raised some generous offspring with wonderful taste in treasures. Blessings to you.

  2. We had sooooo much fun in that store! You would have loved it there. I got distracted by reading all the old postcards. Some of the things that people write to each other!

    I'm glad you like all the things that Mandy and Katie found for you. I don't think they left any corner of Monticello unturned.

  3. Is that a clear box full of buttons??? I LOVE that idea - and might steal that! The postcard, the book - divine! Your daughter - you should keep her!

  4. Marie, your daughters know you so well!! The crown is my favourite - it's a beauty.

  5. Marie, I can't thank you enough for your beautiful card! After visiting through your blog, I see that it is perfectly you! I love it! I've got my eye on trying this vintage form of paper craft. I am so happy that you joined me in my Block Party celebration! Elizabeth

  6. How much your loved! They really do know what you like...great treasures Marie!

  7. Gosh-I really need to pay attention here...you're loved, not "your loved"..yeesh!

  8. What special gifts from your daughters, they really know what you like :)

  9. Hi Marie, Thank you so much for your kind comment. I am so glad you received some special treats from the Monticello. That was so sweet of your daughters to stop by and pick you out little gifts. Sounds like from previous comments they know your taste well. I'm so glad to find your blog.Blessings ~Kathy

  10. Wow, that pin is beautiful. How lovely that your daughters got that for you. Lucky girl!

  11. What sweet surprises for you, that was so nice of your Daughters to treat their Mom : ) I LOVE Monticellos. I have been there twice in the past year, they have great treasures.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!