Joe was a VERY active little boy. If he was awake he was moving ~ walking, running, jumping, bouncing , clapping ~ moving! Even when he was sitting he would be moving something! But when he was ready to sleep ~ well that's exactly what he did. No matter his position, no matter what he was doing....when he was ready to sleep ~ he did!

Are those your boys? That is hilarious!
Okay...this wins "The Cutest Post of the Day" award. Aren't you glad you took these photos? We are! : )
Sorry to have been MIA lately. I'm just trying to keep it all glued together these!
But I enjoyed catching up. I even watched the adorable clips of Elijah vacuuming the kitchen floor and "couch dancing". Precious!!!
Have a good week,
Having a load full of trouble with comments tonight. Maybe they will go poof, up in smoke but I'll give it a whirl anyway.
Your post is both whimsy and wonderful all at the same time...all for the love of boys!
That was Jacqueline posting to you!
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