Monday, November 23, 2009

Random Monday Memories

After I posted about "bacon & eggs" on Saturday, I got to thinking about the yellow M & M that we used for the yolk in our sweet little eggs.
There were a lot of them! Literally thousands of them. There were some years that we made over 20 dozen of them...I would say we usually made in the 12 dozen range. For the first 8 or 9 years I bought  most of the yellow M&Ms in the bulk food section of the grocery store. I would go shopping in the afternoon (fewer people to watch me) and I would use the big scoop to pick out as many yellow M&Ms as I could....needless to say, it took quite some time to collect a sufficient amount of "egg yolks"!
Sometimes people would stop and stare at me (ya' think!). I would look UP (because, yes, I had to either squat or kneel down to comfortably reach them) and I would smile and usually say "I only like the taste of the yellow ones." They looked at me like I'd lost my mind, but then they'd move along and leave me to the task at hand. Sometimes I would explain what I was really doing ~ but this was a very time consuming job ~ I didn't have time to stand around discussing "bacon & eggs" with total strangers.
I remember the first year that we had to buy bags of M&Ms. The grocery store got rid of the bulk food section ~ it was a sad day! It took a lot of bags of M&Ms to gather our quota of "yolks". Then there was the issue of what to do with all the other colors of M&Ms. My children thought eating them was an excellent idea. And it was when we only needed to buy 3 or 4 bags. But there were years we needed upwards of ten to get enough yellow ones. That's when Bill, my father-in-law, teachers and whoever else I could think of would receive creatively wrapped M&Ms (minus the yellow of course) for Christmas gifts.

But ~ oh happy day ~ some wise person decided that it was time to package M&Ms by individual colors. YES! I can now buy a bagful of yellow M&Ms ~ all by themselves.

It doesn't get any better than this! Or at least that's what I thought....Michael's (as in the craft store) sells these bags of yellow M&Ms ~ and I can use my 40% off coupon to purchase them!!


  1. I can almost see you at the grocery store picking out all the yellow ones! *laughing*


  2. :) I like the answer that you only like the yellow ones :) I'm laughing too!

  3. I laughed out loud at the image of you squatting in the grocery store at the M&M bin picking out the yellow ones....and then saying that you liked that flavor best!!! Oh Marie, thanks for the laugh today after a 7 hour car ride!

  4. I crown you QUEEN of the Random Monday post...this is funny, informative and just plain great. I've never ever considered M & M's to come in seperate bags...they say...Learn something every day. Thanks for the merry land smile.

  5. Well, if you can't find just the yellow ones, you can buy the bags and send all of the colors you don't like to me! ;-)

    Congrats on the win too! Pretty book!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!