Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm Back...with "Bacon"!

I've enjoyed my week away from blogging.
But I've missed it too!
Becky over at Sweet Cottage Dreams (one of my very favorite blogs to visit) is encouraging us to share "about family traditions, recipes, gift giving ideas and decorating for the holidays". Sounds like fun doesn't it? I think it's a good place to start up the blogging again!
Visit Becky's blog post "Let's Share" to read all about it.

I mentioned our favorite family breakfast last year about this time...but I love this idea so much I decided to share it again.

Here they are ~ in all their cuteness! My family has been making these since 1985. It's a favorite quick gift and it's always been well received...especially when we package it up in a little skillet. (I found these in the $ section at Target a couple years ago.)
Three stick pretzels, a "blop" of melted vanilla candy wafers and a yellow M&M.
A little time for the melted wafers to harden and they're done.
After lining up my three strips of bacon on a cookie sheet, I melt the vanilla wafers (aka egg whites) in the microwave and then place the egg white on top of the bacon. While it's still soft I place the egg yolk gently on top. I place the cookie sheet in the fridge for about ten minutes ~ the bacon & eggs pop right off after that!
A little bit of sweet + a little bit of salty + a little bit of chocolate = YUM!

We're almost out of the skillets...but they look almost as cute on a pretty plate or in a cute box or even a paper sack tied up with a bow. And no matter how they're packaged, they taste really good!!


  1. Such a cute idea! Thank you for sharing with us Marie.

    Have you recooperated from your show yet?


  2. LOVE THIS!!

    ...and how are you doing? I hope sales are going well for you, my friend! I'll post tomorrow about the first open house!

    Take care, Kimberly

  3. I am so glad you're back. I've missed reading your posts but I certainly understand the need to step away sometimes. I hope you got some rest and accomplished what you were wanting to do at home. We will be away next week-I am going to try to post remotely. We'll see if that works! Happy Thanksgiving to you dear friend and to your cute family, too! We'll talk about a 1/1 swap after all of your shows are done and you see what's left.

  4. I just found your blog thru Scrap for JOy and I just love it! These ltitle treats are so cute!!!!! And the little fry pan is perfect!!!! Very unique! I will be back, and I hope you can come by and say hello!

  5. Marie, I think your 'family favorite breakfast' is fantastic, it's like altered chocolate covered pretzels!! I'm so glad your back and I hope you feel well rested.


  6. You've tied the knot strings of blog fun and creative this is and to me, the creative mind, is what makes blogging fun. Good talking to you. Your grandkids are so cute...what a blessing they must be and "All your children" too. I bet the whole family could write a soap opera! Smiling.

  7. So, so cute, Marie! Glad to be visiting with you again!

  8. Oh my goodness....these are just THE CUTEST gifts!! I can see why they are a favorite and a tradition to give as gifts. They certainly put a smile on my face!!! Thank you for participating! This is just a lot of fun. (...and thank you for the link, too).

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  9. This is such a cute idea - the skillet makes the gift really special!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!