Monday, November 16, 2009

Taking a Little Rest

The craft shows are over and I need a little break from all things creative so I can focus on the mundane things like cleaning and scrubbing and laundry and such! Not to mention the 9to5 job I have. Blogging comes under the heading of creative so I'll be taking a break from it too. BUT check back the end of this week or early next week. I'm going to be having a few giveaways during the next month.
It's that time of year you know!!
Have a happy one!!!

P.S. Yes Tisha, that is your sweet little fairy pictured above!


  1. Good Morning, Marie!

    Cleaning and scrubbing and laundry doesn't seem too restful to me but it will be a change from what you have been concentrating on for so long. Hope it all goes quickly for you!

    See you later!

  2. I'm right there with you Marie. I have neglected our house for the past several weeks and I'm actually looking forward to getting things back in order. The shows are fun but exhausting and you need to recharge. See you at the end of the week.

  3. Your break is most that little garden sweet. Have a blessed week....

  4. Marie, A well deserved break indeed, rest up and we'll see you back here soon.


  5. I say cleaning and scrubbing is NOT resting sweetie!!! Rest well and relax...we'll all be here when you return dear friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  6. A well deserved respite is needed indeed. It's great that you give yourself the permission you need to rest. I admire that, it's wise. Sweet restful times to you.

  7. I hope your Craft Shows went well. Glad you're taking a well deserved rest.
    Take care,

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by my new blog. It has been so much fun to meet everyone. I feel as if I have a whole new world of friends! Good luck on my giveaway. Love your site!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!