Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sticky Notes ....

Well here's the note for this weekend ~ and it's a good one!

And, it's exactly what I'm going to be doing! I'll be hanging out with these two....we're doing our Christmas! Yes....our Christmas! It's the first chance we've had to spend some time with each other since November. We were going to go to Williamsburg, VA and it was going to be an overnight trip...but some nasty old snow storm messed up those plans. But that's okay! We're moving to Plan B (not that we had a Plan B ~ but we made one up Friday afternoon!) We're heading for here and here and who knows where else. We talked about going here, but I'd really like to go here. We'll just have to see what the day brings! (Besides this)
Yes ~ it's gonna be a chilly one!

But FOOD, FUN & FRIENDSHIP is sure to keep us warm!


  1. It looks like a sign to me! Hope you have a great weekend! We will be here enjoying all this snow! :)


  2. You'll have fun wherever you are...the shops you've picked look interesting and I'd love IHop or CB. Have a great time! xoxo

  3. My dearest Queen in Training...don't forget to show up at the slumber party. Your pillow is waiting...drawing will be in the morning...Cross your heart...and hope to win!

  4. Enjoy, Marie! You can send that nasty old snow up here! We have brown ground again and it's soooo dreary! At least snow reflects light!

    Have fun!

  5. Dear Queen Marie,
    You did excellent my dear in Queens in Training...bravo! I crown you Queen of Friendship!
    ~The Girl with the Curl~

  6. PLan B sounds fun - hope to see cute pics --
    Kathy - ga ♥


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!