Sunday, May 16, 2010

Giveaway Winners

Congratulations to the winners of
Beatrix Potter ~ A Journal.

Please send me your addresses!
You're going to love this book!!!

Thank you to everyone else for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway!
It's so nice to meet new friends!


  1. Congratulations to your lucky winners!

    Hope you have a great Monday Marie. We are heading into town for Wendell's 3 month check up for his MS. Hopefully everything will go well.


  2. Rofl, is there a giveaway Dorthe hasn't won recently? She is definitely on a roll. Bless her, she is such a lovely person, she certainly deserves it. Congratulations to both her and Libbie.

  3. It was very generous, Marie, to give away a second book!
    I'm very happy for my dear friend Dorthe and for Libbie of course as well!

  4. Marie!!! It will be so fun to peek through the book together! You really are too sweet! I know we will adore it! Thnaks Marie!

  5. Congratulations to the lucky winners.

  6. Dearest Marie, oh ,can this be me, winning this wonderfull book, Thankyou so very much ,for drawing me in the bowl,---I`m so happy, and I`m sure it will be a beautifull book ,to read ,and see.
    Sorry That I`m only answering now,-I have been in Copenhagen, looking after my grandchild-3 years old,) and only returned today, few houers ago.
    Marie I feel so very lucky,

    Here is my adress:
    Dorthe Hansen
    Melstedvej 43
    3760 Gudhjem, Bornholm

    Thankyou, and blessings, Dorthe

  7. Congratulations to two very special ladies!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!