Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ice Cream Story #2

Last night we decided some Mexican food was just the thing for dinner ~ so that's what we had. After we finished dinner I asked my FIL if he wanted some ice cream for dessert (that's a regular thing around here). I got the answer I expected ~ "I'll take it in about an hour". So an hour later I went to ask him if he was ready for his ice cream ~ because he was riding the exercise bike (yes, he still rides it several times a day) he asked me to wait about 20 minutes. Then I noticed he was watching one of the Jason Bourne movies ~ on a Spanish speaking channel. Here's the rest of our conversation.

Me: So what are you watching?
Dad: I think it's that Bourne Ultimatum movie.
Me: eat some Mexican food for dinner and think you can understand Spanish?
Dad: Oh, I thought it was French.
(he was serious ~ he doesn't speak French either!)

He cracks me up! Our lives have changed quite a bit in the 2 1/2 years he's lived with us. But I wouldn't have it any other way! What a blessing to be able to have four generations together regularly.
I'd appreciate it if you kept him (Bud) in your prayers ~ he's had some medical issues recently. This afternoon he'll be visiting an oncologist and we're praying for good news.

Elijah, age 2 and Super Grandpa, age 92
(and yes, that's what they call him)


  1. Ohhh, I love it when you share these precious conversations with us. What a cutie your FIL is!!! This photo is priceless!
    And yes, I will definitely send up prayers for your FIL.
    Take care,
    Mary Lou

  2. Hi Marie,
    Such a lovely story, so sweet,-
    and the photo shows a very sweet looking old man.I hope for all of you he gets good news,today.
    Blessings, Dorthe

  3. Aww. Old men are so sweet and cute! Send me a photo and I'll sketch him for you!

  4. I love your "Bud" stories. Older people are as funny as small people without trying to be. He certainly is blessed to be able to live in your loving home and you are a remarkable DIL in addition to being an awesome Grandmother!
    I will pray for all of you today. Please let me know how the appointment goes.

  5. Marie that is a precious photo of your grandson and FIL! I love the conversation you shared. I will keep him in my prayers. My MIL is 85, still sharp as a tack and still living on her own at a housing complex for the elderly. When the time comes she will come and live with us-I won't have it any other way.
    Blessings to you and yours.

  6. I just love these stories, always make me smile...he is so cute! I shall certainly hold your FIL in my prayers!!!

  7. Super Grandpa. I like that. What a cute story. I bet you have some wonderful conversations with him. He sounds like quite a guy.

  8. He is truly blessed to have a daughter-in-law like you Marie! Your story made me smile. I will keep him in my prayers.


  9. That was lovely Marie ...Covering Bud in prayer.
    Blessings, Ella


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!