Friday, July 23, 2010


Isn't this pretty?!  Karen (the graphics fairy) shared this today.  She always shares such pretty images!

 the graphics fairy
It's shaping up to be a very busy weekend for me. Fortunately it's all indoor busyness because it's suppose to be a HOT one tomorrow!  102 degrees before the humidity is factored in!!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend whether you're working or relaxing from all the work you've already done!


  1. Oh dear, 102 degrees...and I know all about the heat index here in South Dakota. Last weekend, they figured it was 135 degrees when we were at the Jazz Fest...
    Can that be??

    Take good care of yourself. Have a fabulous Friday. ~Natalie

  2. Wow, it's hotter there than it is here deep in the Heart of Texas! Love that butterfly print very pretty. If you liked my rock craft with the kiddos you need to pop over and see what we made for Grandpa's Birthday inspired from Katie's art with Charlotte. I'm super thrilled with how it turned out! Blessings, Jennifer

  3. We're expecting mid 90's tomorrow so not as hot as you'll be getting but plenty hot enough for me. I had the day off today and took care of all my weekend cleaning so I have the whole weekend to kick back and have fun.

  4. Oooo, thanks for sharing this one with us. It's beautiful!!!
    I was reading about you naming your new workspace...have you ever noticed in all the "time-period" movies and books that they named their houses? They were usually really great names too. Maybe you could pick one from a Jane Austen book. : ) Can't wait for the reveal.
    Have a great weekend!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!