Thursday, July 22, 2010

Now it needs a name!

Well, the walls are "cottage white" and new flooring will be going in this weekend.  Then the desk, a dresser and some shelves need to put in place.  Mandy, Katie and Mark will be helping me choose some new storage containers.  I don't want plastic bins anymore and they told me (back in June) they'd buy some new pieces for me as a birthday gift!  I'm not sure what I want yet but I've been gathering a lot of inspiration. 

I recently purchased a few things at the thrift store and I love the look of all the pieces together ~ I love these colors & textures!  This is the "feel" I want for this room.

I also recently bought this pretty two tiered tray from Becky of Sweet Cottage Dreams.  She has some great things in her Etsy Shop!  I plan to put my glitter shakers on this.

It's hard to believe that very soon I'll be unpacking all my "stuff" and  filling baskets and shelves with supplies.  I'll be able to display some beautiful pieces of artwork and special treasures from friends. 
I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas morning!

Hmmmm....what to call this wonderful new space?  I've referred to it as "the mess" for a long time.  My father-in-law calls it my junk room. But it deserves better than that now.  It could be my craft room again, or my workroom. My studio, my creative space, or maybe even my castle (you know, the place where fairy tales come true!).  

What do you call the place where you create?  


  1. I guess my space has been referred to as my computer/craft room. Doesn't sound very fancy but then the room isn't so fancy In fact right now, it's a wreck

  2. Hi Sweet Friend~
    I love the pearls and lace and old will be so much fun to decorate and organize. (Love baskets at Target...I think they're reasonable, although I do have plastic, too) How about The Patina Palace?? I just refer to my room as my used to be my scrapbook room but I don't do so much of that anymore. I owe you an email...

  3. How interesting you should bring that subject up!! I'm in the middle of an overhaul of my room, and awaiting some new shelving before the final organizing and revamping. It has been my scrapbook room for 2 1/2 years, but I do so much more than scrapbook now, that I want it to be something different and more collective of what I do in there. I have a chair that I read in for hours, as well as a loaded bookcase, all my scrapbook/cardmaking stuff, the sewing stuff, the extra stuff, the embroidery stuff, and all the jewelry making stuff will soon be added. So...a name for this mixture of a room? Perhaps I need to get out the Thesaurus and check out words for junk, stuff, clutter, mishmash, etc. So, if fine art, knack, muddle, shuffle, hodgepodge, cache, plunder, or booty sound like a good name, then feel free...
    Booty Room...has a certain charm huh? (booty was a word for 'treasure' in the Thesaurus)
    My husband just called my room the Lace Dungeon!!
    HA!!! I might just take him up on it!!
    OK...he prefers the Treasure Trove, so maybe the Booty Trove will end up the one!!!
    Have fun pickin!!

  4. Hi Marie! I'm so excited for you sweetie!!!!! I can tell already from the treasures you've started gathering that it's going to be just wonderful! Be sure to share your progress with us...and no matter what you call it ~ this space will be your haven!!!!!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  5. I have called my space my sewing room but I do much more than sew in my room. Sometimes I just sit, sometimes I read, I go there to be inspired. I guess it is jus My Room. Have fun putting your space together.

  6. Oh, how exciting Marie. I remember first using my sewing room after we moved. Bliss. I guess mine is just called the sewing room, but we create everywhere don't you think? In our heads, in the kitchen, in the house. I think the "castle" sounds great!

  7. What an exciting time! I understand how you can't wait to set it all up just so - I feel like that everytime I "move house". I always referred to my room as my Sewing Room, my kids called it my "hobby room" but it's the same for me as it is for so many - I don't just sew in it and I sell most of what I make so it really isn't a hobby room. I started calling it a work room but if the truth be known, and I be honest - it's a Stock Room!

  8. Marie, that silver dish is gorgeous!!!
    Marie's Nest...that's what it is! You're nesting, girlfriend! What fun!

  9. What fun inspiration! I like the idea of calling it a Creating Space. I have more like a craft corner, full of clutter which is more like a messy nightmare! Oh, sighing heavily someday I'll have a studio!!!

  10. Hi Marie,
    so many beautifull things,you have showed here, and they will looks so fantastic in your new,room. And as long it is yours all alone,it gives piece in mind and happy houers, -what about :My Bliss ?

  11. Oh, Marie, I love all of the pieces you have collected! They are just the colors and type of things I love in my own home. No matter what you call your space I know many beautiful creations will come forth from it!

    My space is called... umm... my kitchen ;)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!