Friday, November 19, 2010

Breakfast is the Best Way to Start the Day

I've shared this cute idea (and photos) before but since this is the time of year we make them I thought I'd share them again.

Our version of breakfast:
**Three stick pretzels, a "blop" of melted vanilla candy wafers and a yellow M&M =
Bacon & Eggs!

After lining up my three strips of bacon on a cookie sheet, I melt the vanilla wafers (aka egg whites) in the microwave and then place the egg white on top of the bacon. While it's still soft I place the egg yolk gently on top. I place the cookie sheet in the fridge for about ten minutes ~ the bacon & eggs pop right off after that!

A little bit of sweet + a little bit of salty + a little bit of chocolate = YUM!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. LOVE these! Where did you find the cute little fry pan???? WHat a great gift idea for neighbors! :) Sandy

  2. That is just the cutest idea. I love them.

  3. I remember the original post about these and they cracked me up (no pun intended) when I first saw them! Cute idea!!
    (I see my friend Sandy visited...she's the blogging friend I met in Arizona)
    Our son and his wife arrived last night..a fun weekend planned which will include a Steelers game on Sunday. Let the merriment commence!!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!