Sunday, November 21, 2010

Leaves & Landscaping

Charlotte and I spent some time outside on Saturday.  We cleaned out the flower beds in the front yard and raked up some leaves.  Obviously she didn't think we had enough leaves on the ground to deal with ~ she tried to rake the leaves still in the tree.  Not that I blame her. The bright red leaves are beautiful.

We also spent a lot of time in the backyard.  My backyard is in need of a lot of landscaping and tender loving care!  In the spring we're hoping to put in some sod but for now we have a large area of dirt.  Charlotte thought we needed to do a little landscaping while we were out there.  She collected branches, twigs, leaves, stones and acorn caps.  Then she got her little shovel and tried to dig some holes (Gramma helped with them).  We planted the branches and then Charlotte insisted on planting a single leaf as well.  She and I piled the stones around the branches and then she lined the acorn caps up.....

I wish I knew what was going on in that curly topped little head.


  1. Fun with grandmom! That precious curly topped head created a sweet twig and acorn area and the lone leaf is the highlight :) She is well on her way to expressing a heart filled with creativity that was inherited from her talented family.

  2. Charlotte is a bright little girl. get those leaves out of the tree before they mess up the freshly raked yard. That was quite a clever idea she had with the branches and acorn caps too. I think she's going to be very creative just like her grandma :)

  3. Charlotte raking the tree...I love it! What a delightful time you had together..just ordinary time..the most precious of all! Love her arrangement of the rocks and the lone leaf..she's on to something! I often wonder what goes on in the minds of the under 5 year olds.
    Wonderful post Marie...gave me a big chuckle!

  4. I like your new background, too :D


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!