Monday, December 27, 2010

Busy Week Ahead

Katie and Mark and Charlotte have been living with us for about seven weeks.  They've closed on their "new to them" house and will be slowing moving in over the next week or so.  I'll be helping them in the actual moving or I'll be watching Charlotte while they move boxes, unload Pods or paint rooms ~ Charlotte's life has been a bit topsy-turvy so painting her room and getting her settled in is a high priority.  Life is going to be extra busy!  I thought ~ "what would be easy things to post about this week" and decided a look at Christmas around our house might be nice. So I hope you enjoy seeing a bit of our Christmas 2010.

Our Living Room ~ because we currently have a "kitchen" in the living room we decided to go with a really skinny slender tree.

The black piece of furniture with the baskets in it belongs to Katie & Mark.  There are toys, books and puzzles in all those baskets.  You should see this space when the baskets are empty!  Quite the sight!!

Here's the kitchen ~ Charlotte plays with this every day.  We all felt it was very important to keep this easily accessible for her. 
Besides how else would we have been able to enjoy the yummy meals she prepared for us!


  1. Your living room looks beautiful!!
    I love the slender tree. We have one that is much too wide for our space. I keep thinking about snagging a tree at 50% off since it's post Christmas.

  2. Hi Friend!
    Just sneaking in here to see your beautiful living your tree and you decor! I also love the kitchen set....even a grill-LOL! I would love to come and play with Charlotte. I have always loved "play food" (which may explain why I'm doing WW now!)One year David bought me a Fisher Price Big Mac and fries for Christmas. I still have it and the kids play with it when they visit. Charlie and Miles (and Jane & Eric) are driving in from Gaithersburg today so our house will be filled with toys and laughter for the next 4 days! Can't wait! I opened my beautiful gifts from you on christmas morning before we left for church. I wore the pin right away and love it so much! The little magnet is on the fridge where it will be a happy reminder of the friendship we share. Thank you for thinking of are so kind! I have had something for your new craft room which I hope to finally mail this week!!!
    Happy New Year to you and your family! I hope it is filled to over-flowing with all of God's richest blessings.
    Love ya!
    (I had to skip over to Katie's blog and comment on their Christmas card...that Charlotte is a cutie pie!)

  3. You home looks beautiful. I love the skinny tree and the little one on the organizer too! Its going to feel like a new house once the kids move all their stuff into their new home.

    Debbie K

  4. Beautiful. Warm. Inviting. Love the photos of your home!

    I have been using a tall, skinny tree for several years now because there are just too many people in my home to fit a big fat tree. I have grown to love it and you just might too.

  5. Your living room looks lovely and I think you're slender tree is perfect.
    That is some kitchen Charlotte has there, I bet she whips up some fabulous meals there :)

  6. I love your home...its very that small feather tree....I plan to have one next year...made by me :)...blessings on your New year dear Marie.....Shelley

  7. the tree looks great and charlotte's kitchen is lovely. Wish I had one like that(only bigger he eh). My daughter used to have one she loved that my mom had given her. We still have it in storage as she could not part with it even though she is going to be 9 next week. Have a wonderful New Year. Thanks for sharing your holiday photos. Angela

  8. hey Marie! You are gonna miss that little kitchen set aren't you :) A girl does need her kitchen! Where life happens :)

    Thanks for your sweet words about the fire. We are truly seeing God all around us in this time & are so grateful for it! Christmas was still Christmas & we enjoyed each other even more than usual :) Hope your was fabulous! I love your skinny I mean slender tree :)

  9. How great to have a sneak peek into your house, it looks so organized, not at all like you crammed another family in your house :)

    Have a great week, it will go so quickly.

  10. What a lovely room. And the Kitchen fits I suspect Charlot is a real good Cook as well :)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!