Saturday, December 25, 2010

Matchbox #25 & MERRY CHRISTMAS

Look at this silvery beauty! A perfect finish to the 25 Matchboxes of Christmas 2010!  Thank you so much to Freda of Sew Whats New ~ this is such a pretty matchbox and it has a sweet frosty charm inside too!
Thank you so much to Linda of A Swap For All Seasons......Linda you are the BEST swap hostess ever!

Well here they are ~ all 25 of the matchboxes.  Each one a treasure that represents a sweet lady out there in the "Land of Blog".  What a wonderful land it is. For me it's been 2 1/2 years of blogging memories ~ inspiration, laughter and smiles, prayers, a bit of tears and especially the chance to make new friends!

Merry Christmas to Each One of You!
You have blessed my heart in so many ways!! 
I pray that the Lord blesses you in a very special way this Christmas Season!


  1. What a beautiful Christmas star to end up on...merry Christmas Marie!

  2. Wow! Your matchbox tree looks fantastic! Thanks for your kind words! I was just stopping in to wish you a Merry Christmas and to thank you for being a part of the swap! What would I do without you?? Linda

  3. What a beautiful end to the swap. I had alot of fun too. Linda has such fun swaps doesn't she? Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for sharing. Angela

  4. Good Morning, Marie,
    The little matchboxes look adorable on your little tree. I have enjoyed following this swap through your blog.

    Give those little grandbabies a hug for me. Happy Holidays ~Natalie

  5. It's been so fun seeing all your matchboxes. The final one is just beautiful. I just love the little tree displaying them all.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!