Friday, December 17, 2010

It Snowed! & Matchbox #17

Yep, we got some of the fluffy white stuff yesterday.  It looked so pretty! But by the time I got home it was too dark to take any pictures.  So I snapped a pic of this happy fellow.  I got him at a thrift store a couple weeks ago.  $1.81 ~ pretty good deal I think! 

Matchbox #17
Jan Roberts of Art Friendzy created and sent Matchbox #17.  Pretty ribbon, pretty paper (that I forgot to get a good picture of) and a fun little "ticket to Santa"!  I love the contrast betwen the inside and outside of this one.  And look at the puzzle piece charm tucked inside...very unique...very fun!  Thanks Jan!!


  1. Snow sounds so wonderful this close to Christmas.......enjoy yours....Love that Vintage snowman find cute...blessings on your weekend Marie....

  2. I love your thrift store Snowman and the box and puzzle piece charm are sweet as can be!

  3. I've already seen too much snow already it's not even officially winter
    That was quite a bargain on the snowman, he's very cute.
    Another lovely matchbox too

  4. Hooraah! I got a box from Jan too and already have my puzzle charm on my charm bracelet and how much can we love that ! It also inspired me to make my own as a last minute christmas something for my six beautiful nieces only with a twist, since my six nieces are all sisters I'm using pics of them and making them sister bracelets!! I love swaps for the inspiration they offer...I also love your site!! Happy Holidays, Keke


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!