Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's Mine & Matchbox #16

Remember this post about the pillow I fell in love with?  Well, I bought it! It's mine!  Not only did I get the pillow I also got a chuckle too!  The box arrived from Dayspring and I thought it looked a little small considering it contained four boxes of Christmas cards, a book and my pillow.  I opened it and removed the book and the cards and the pillow....cover!!  Just a cover....nothing in it!  But I found a pillow at home that fits it perfectly!  I really need to read the descriptions when I order things.  : )

Looks pretty good ~ don't you think!?

Matchbox #16

Matchbox #16 arrived all the way from the UK!  It was made by Hope of Pixies Ponderings.  Isn't this the cutest Santa ~ he's winkin' right at you!  I love the clear snowmen charm inside ~ wish it showed up better. Do you see that shiny red nose peeking out frominside the matchbox?!  Thak you Hope! Love this one!!

Only nine more of these to go.............


  1. That snowman charm is super cute. Love this matchbox... actually I have loved them all. Each one looks like the person took so much time and effort to put little touches on them to make them special.

    BTW, I would have thought the same thing about the pillow. I wouldn't think it was just the cover if the picture showed a pillow. But that's great that you found a pillow around the house that fit. :-)

  2. oh that sounds like something I would do. I'm terrible about reading the descriptions. It does look great though and as you said it's yours :)
    Love that matchbox, just the cutest and just look at little Rudolph's shiny nose.

  3. I love that pillow and I could chuckle because I didn't think it would fit in my decor - why chuckle? Because I have a sofa very much like yours! You're matchbox is so cute!

  4. and it looks great on your sofa!

  5. I love the pillow...those red birds are so pretty! Cute matchbox too...the winking Santa is a great image.

  6. Gorgeous, Gorgeous pillow and your matchbox is cute, really a great idea!

  7. The pillow is very cute. And those match boxes are very know I was thinking, you, me and Patricia should do a swap sometime for fun.

  8. Comment #3. LOVE the pillow cover that was posted on Dec 6, 2010. Regina D.


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