Sunday, December 12, 2010

Matchbox #12

Matchbox #12 comes from our wonderful swap hostess Linda.  Linda began the "A Swap For All Seasons" blog back in the fall of 2008.  I'm pretty sure the matchbox swap is the tenth swap she's hosted and  I've been lucky enough to participate in all but one of them.   She is a swap hostess extraorinaire!  She also has her own personal blog called Grace Filled Moments.  I love the beautiful image she used on this matchbox and the sweet  Christmas tree charm inside is so pretty. 
Thank you so much Linda for all the work you do to make our swaps a success!   



  1. That is a nice one. What a cute image that is and the charm is great

  2. What a beautiful image and I love that vintage Christmas tree pin!

  3. These are all so special! And the tiny Christmas tree pin is so sweet. I think I might have had one as a child.

  4. Marie, So glad you like it! Yours is my #25. A special day from a special friend!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!