Monday, December 13, 2010

My Office & Matchbox #13

My co-workers and I are blessed to have a boss who likes Christmas.  He loves what we do to the office each year!  We put up a tree and a snowman, play Christmas music and decorate our own spaces.  It's a small office but we try to make it very festive.  Here's a peek at some of our decorations.


The snowman light, bears and squirrel are all part of my desk decorations.  I think squirrels are so cute. I love to watch them and I love to discuss the "sweetness that is a squirrel" with my boss.  He's not very fond of you can imagine how those conversations might be.  I decided that he needed a squirrel of his very he could really see just how cute they are.  So for one of his Christmas gifts I asked Michelle Palmer to draw a squirrel for him.  Here's what she came up with!

I framed her drawing and added a little definition inside the frame.  I asked her to personalize it and she put his name on a little tag.  I just love it!  I think he liked it too!  Michelle has an Etsy shop where you can find many more of her wonderful drawings.

I must admit that Geoff doesn't love EVERYTHING we do to the office.  I'm sure he wishes we'd leave "Hank" the deer alone.

Matchbox #13

Matchbox #13 comes from Sherry of If I Could Set My Soul Free.  Itr's so festive and bright.  I love the paper Sherry used to cover and line the box and I really love the tiny tree garland she tucked inside.  It will be perfect to wrap around a tiny tree that I have! Thank you Sherry ~ this one is so cute!


  1. Hi dear Marie,such sweet decorations....funny that you posted about squirrels today...I posted a sweet little picture on my blog for you today...go take a that drawing...its very detailed...some talent there for sure....Your boss will be very surprised I'm sure,unless of course,he happens to read your blog :)
    Blessings on your week....Jackie @ Once Upon a Fairyland says she is blocked from your blog....she misses you and wonders if you will pay her a visit...asked me to relay the message :) Shelley

  2. Marie, if one has to have a job, isn't it so nice to have a good boss!!! Priceless. And the little squirrel Michelle drew with his name on it is precious!
    Hugs, Diane

  3. What a festive office you have. Love all the decorations. That squirrel is awesome. She's very talented.
    I think Hank looks very handsome all decked out in his holiday
    Cute matchbox too, that paper is adorable.

  4. LOL about the deer! Michelle is very talented! Loving the matchbox swap posts.

  5. I love your office must be a very cheerful place to work. This is a cute matchbox today...I love the little garland!

  6. So cute. It looks like a very cheerful place to work!!


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Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!