Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This One Is Mine

Remember the collage swap I told you about?  Well, this is the collage I received from Ginger.  It's so pretty!
The colors are so delicate and I love the white rose trim and the ecru vintage lace along the lower edge! Ginger also sent along this beautiful tag ~ I love the sweet image.  In case you missed it here's the collage I sent to her.

I've received so many wonderful pieces of art work since I began my blog. It's been such fun and so inspirational to see (and even receive) the wonderful things all these talented people create.
By the way ~ Linda of A Swap For All Seasons (my favorite swap blog) will be announcing the next swap on March 20th. That's the first day of Spring!  Woo Hoo, it's a Springtime swap!


  1. Oh Marie it is beautifull,-
    yes it is a blessing, here in blogland, with all the wonderfull people, and the art, that we share with each others.
    Happy tuesday,dear friend.

  2. That is soooo pretty!!
    I am loving collages with
    all of the beautiful
    laces and fabrics ~


  3. Such a pretty collage with so many pretty elements. I also feel blessed to have received so many beautiful pieces of artwork from friends made in Blogland. It is a wonderful place to be.

  4. What a lovely collage. I just love all the "texture" she used to create it. Thank you for sharing what your group has created. Such inspiration to those of us who don't do this type of art.
    Bless you,

  5. so pretty. What a treasure you got there.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!