Monday, February 21, 2011

Wouldn't it Be Nice?!

Three wishes, genie in a lamp, a fairy godmother......I could use any of these right about now.  I have an important "date" coming up in a couple weeks (more about that later) and I've set some goals/expectations about things that I would like to get done before then.  Hopefully they're reasonable ones.  There are some things around the house that we've put off (or done halfway) and it's really important to me that we try to complete these projects.  I'm almost done with the "simplifying" of the living room, dining room, kitchen, family room and bedroom.  Two more evenings should be enough time to finish that.  Bags and boxes are piled in Bill's car waiting on a trip to the Goodwill and tubs and boxes of yard sale goodies are piled up (in the living room ~ I really NEED to find someplace else to pile these).
There's still some repair projects and a couple decorating things that I'd like to see completed.  Plus there are two physical (as in body) goals that I have. 
Long list ~ little time!  Maybe I could just twitch my nose!

"With God nothing shall be impossible".
Luke 1:37


  1. Dear Marie,
    now you please take care, - with two physical goals, you don`t stress yourself with all kind of other work, please.
    HUGS, Dorthe

  2. Ah, the nose twitch. What I wouldn't give to have that trick! You're doing great with your goals. Keep it up!

  3. You have made remarkable progress Marie...just don't overdo.
    Love the ATC card-I want a Fairy Godmother, too!
    Happy Monday

  4. Having listed what you want to accomplish is a huge step in accomplishing goals. Chip away a little each day. Be sure to look back at how much you have already completed. Praying for you!

    Love, ldh

  5. You have accomplished so,you meet those goals you set :)

  6. A Geni in a bottle! Magic potions! Magic wants!
    Sending all your way, Marie, if I could!

  7. oh any of those would be wonderful to have. I can remember wishing that I was just like Samantha on bewitched and could wiggle my nose and have what I wanted.
    Don't overstress yourself trying to get all that done

  8. Marie, I know you'll get a lot done on that list, you are a great task master :) Take care of yourself (hope that's on your list too) and don't forget to take some time to play.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!