Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Knowing God is in Control makes the healing process a little easier.

"I am the Lord, who heals you."
Exodus 15:26

Knowing my family cares makes me smile through the pain.

Love this!  Elijah colored a picture for me. Johanna cut letters out of his drawing and glued them on cardstock. 


  1. Dear Marie,
    How very wonderfull, to use his drawing like that- it looks very,very artistic, sweet.
    And the flowers below, are gorgeus--I love tulips in spring.
    Hope you will soon be better Marie, and not so painfull- are you seing the sun in your place?It alwayes helps with a little sun.
    Hugs,to you.

  2. I am sure that will become a treasured keepsake...hope your pain is easing some and your healing is progressing well day by day....blessings dear Marie

  3. That was a great idea. It made for a very lovely get well sign. Hope all is going well with you and you're getting along ok

  4. Glad you like it and thanks for scanning it, cause I forgot to take a picture and wanted to post it on my blog also.

  5. Awww, what a darling card, so precious.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!