Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Staples Are Coming Out Today

I'm getting the staples removed from my knee today. I am so looking forward to this!  The staples are pinchy, itchy and just plain yucky!  I think having the staples in causes me to hold back in my knee flex exercises feels like they might pop right out if I bend my knee too much.  So I am really ready to have this done today......I think!  : )   I'm sure it's going to hurt a little but it's just one more part of the process!!  Right?  : ) 
So 0 down.....32 to go!
Staple Removers - flickr

I just wanted to thank you all for the kind, sweet, thoughtful comments you've left for me the past two weeks.  (yep! It's been two weeks since my surgery!)
Each one has meant so much to me.  To know that you have been remembering me in your prayers has blessed me more than I can say.  I'm sorry I haven't been by to visit you and your blogs very much.  One of my biggest challenges is being able to sit comfortably.  I have yet to find a comfortable place to sit for any length of time.  The bruising on my leg is taking it's good old time to heal  and my new joint is still getting used to it's new home.  So I don't spend much time on the computer right now.  But I know that will  change and that each day brings me closer to pain-free walking (and sitting) ~ that hasn't been the case in years! I'm really looking forward to it.
Thanks again ~ so much!!


  1. What cool staple removers! I hope the process is painless and over quickly. God bless you with healing!

  2. I have never had staples so I am hoping it isn't too painful. I think its just the 'idea' of staples that hurts the most! lol Hope it all goes well.


  3. Bet,just having those things removed will make you feel much better...glad you are healing well...blessings

  4. I'm glad you are on the mend.
    Keeping you in my prayers.

  5. Every time I look at those staple pullers it makes me shiver, cause for a split second I think about them actually pulling them out with these... I've never had staples... please tell me this is not actually what happens.

    I think once you get them out you'll be feeling much better. I also hope all the pain your having is gone really soon.

  6. Those are the cutest staple removers I've ever seen. I had staples once and I can't remember if it hurt getting them out or not. I know I hated having them in though. They didn't take them out with anything cute
    Still thinking of you and hoping you're feeling better every day

  7. Two weeks already! I'm sure this has been an ordeal for you and I pray that your healing will pick up the pace once the staples are out and you'll be more comfortable. I think of you every day and remember you in my prayers dear Marie.

  8. Miss Marie! I am catching up on some of my bloggy friends and had NO idea that you had surgery! Man!!! Just looking at your knee and the bruising makes my body hurt - but NOTHING like what you are going through. Just be sure to get plenty of rest and physical therapy when due. I am sending you a


    and a wish to get well soon.
    Dang....I wish our homes were closer by. I'd come over and help you out if I could.

    much love,

  9. PS: Marie, would you please email me your address?
    my email is:

  10. Hello, Marie! I can't imagine what you must be going through. I've had a broken foot, been in a wheelchair for weeks because of it, but had NO pain at all. You must be so sore and maybe getting a little b-o-r-e-d!
    Thinking aboutcha!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!