Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Three Grandchildren

The next time these three little ones are together there will probably be a fourth grandbaby in their midst.  Elijah's little brother is due to arrive on July 23rd ~ this Gramma can hardly wait!

Penelope, Elijah & Charlotte watching Bugs Bunny on Joe's phone.

I loved you way before I saw you,
The tiny speck of life you were,
Tucked away inside your mother,
Yet still a part of me for sure.

That happy day my arms received you
No greater joy could ere be mine.
My heart embraced you, priceless treasure,
And overflowed with love divine.

I thought you looked just like your father,
Yet some of Mom was there to see.
And maybe it was wishful thinking,
But I'm sure I saw a trait from me.

A wonder you are my precious grandchild.
God made you with a drop of me,
And yet you're unique, so truly special,
And I dream of what you'll some day be.
Carol Flett


  1. That's a beautiful picture. I feel like we just learned about Elijah's little brother being on the way, how fast is time flying by?!?

    Thank you for your Michael's tip, never crossed my mind to check there, but I will tomorrow :-)


  2. Darling Photo, precious poem. Wishing the best for a safe arrival of Elijah's little brother.

  3. Could there be more precious little faces? So sweet!

  4. They are so sweet. How well they get along too. If that was my kids they would have been fighting over who was going to hold the phone.
    Congratulations on the future #4 :)

  5. I forgot to mention I love the poem

  6. They are adorable and I love the poem!

  7. That poem is so sweet...I am saving it. Those 3 are the cutest together and I laughed out loud to think that in this day in age of giant TV screens, there they are, huddled around a tiny phone and still loving it. I've been following Jo's posts...will be excited to hear the good news.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!