Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Weekend Discovery

I've lived in this area ~ actually this house ~ for over 20 years and I have never visited this beautiful park before.  It's only about 20 miles away too.  How sad!  But now that I've visited it I'll make sure to go back again with my family.  There are beautiful walking paths, picnic areas, a playground, gardens, fountains and boat rentals.  Perfect for a family get together.

We went because my friend Tisha had two of her paintings in the watercolor show that was at the park.  So in addition to spending a beautiful day at a beautiful park, I also got to see some wonderful paintings with a couple of pretty amazing friends!

Patricia & Tisha


  1. That is a beautiful park. There are several places in the area here that I pass all the time and keep saying that I"m going to stop and check them out. I really need to make the time to do that.

  2. How fun to find a new special place right in your own home town! The pictures are wonderful! I like the clouds in the first picture. Glad you had a good day!

  3. What a beautiful park...And so quiet looking. Thank you for sharing with us today!!!

  4. What a beautiful park, thanks for sharing these pictures. How nice that you could visit it with your friends. Thanks for adding my button to your sidebar. I just became your latest follower. ~ Abby

  5. Your lovely pictures of this park made me wish for a lazy day to sit in a park and read. Much too hot for that though! Where is this beautiful place?
    Stay cool!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!