Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where This Blogger Creates

Well here it is ~ the hallway to my favorite room in the house!
Look at the names on my vintage chalk board ~ it's my three favorite little people!!  Soon (less than two weeks) to be four by the way!!

It took a long time to get this room finished...I didn't believe it would ever happen. But you know what they say about Fairy Tales!! (PS...thanks to my hubby, Bill!)

Here we are ~ let's do a clock-wise tour around the room. We'll stop occasionally for closer looks at special things.  Right away, as we open the door (see a bit of the knob on the lower left side of the photo?), you'll see that I fill up almost every space.  Including the floor space! 

This room is furnished with a mish-mash of furniture.  Bookcases & dressers no longer used by my children,  a metal desk from Bill's old office, no longer needed display pieces from a gift shop I owned (once upon a time),  special pieces gifted to me and a yard sale find from the mid 1980s ~ my wonderful blue cubby hole piece.  I think it's an old mail sorter box.  Whatever it is I love it!  The bookcase next to it holds my old "rip 'em up" books and my childhood raggedies on the top shelf. The second shelf holds a lot of books that belonged to Bill's mother & father.  I love the colors of the covers!

It REALLY IS a wonderful life ~ hence the sign!  Especially when you have a space for everything and everything in it's space!   It's amazing how quickly I can tidy this room up so I can take photos of it...usually most everything isn't in it's proper space!!
One of my treasures is the glass egg above the old quilted bunny (in the photo below).  It has dried roses in it from my son Ronny's memorial service many, many years ago.

This is my desk ~ it's nice to have a window behind me. When I get the chance to create in the daytime (which isn't often ~ I'm more of a night time creator) it's very pleasant to have the sunshine peeking over my shoulders.  Look! There's even some space to create on top of the desk.  Do you have a problem with the "shrinking desk top" syndrome? I sure do!

This is my favorite corner of the room.  There are so many special things gathered here.  I've received gifts from fellow bloggers and many of them are scattered here and there on this wall and the ledge below.
The oil paintings are two of my best thrift store finds ~ each cost less than $3.00!!

I love this little Scottie dog ~ it reminds of someone who lives all the way across the country from me, someone I've never met but someone who's touched my heart in a very special way.  There are so many of these kinds of things in this room ~ I think that's why it's my most favorite space!  Look around ~ you might see something that reminds me of you! 
But if you don't ~ well I still think of you often!

The view from my desk. 
Some people might call this clutter ~ I call it inspiration! I bet many of you do too!

This piece belonged to Bill's mother.  We have no idea who it is or why he was worthy of being put into this pretty brooch.  Bill's father is 93 years old and he lives with us.  (You can read a bit about him HERE & HERE & HERE - he's a hoot!)
When I asked him if he knew who this was he said "Oh that was soooo long ago ~ those memories have been retired for quite a while."  Nope - he didn't have a clue.  So I just think of him as my mystery man!

I bought this beautiful two tiered tray from my Scottie dog friend ~ it's the perfect place and the perfect size for some of my glitter shakers!

Here's my closet. It still needs shelves installed ~ but you'd never know that if I hadn't said anything. The IKEA netting panels hide the evidence of a messy closet very well.  There's a peek inside the closet down below. The closet is full of tubs and boxes ~ the box on top is full of lace & linens.  The ledge around the room continues into the closet. It holds a jar full of pipe cleaners and an old magazine rack that I store small rolls of gift wrap in. 
"Happiness is Homemade" ~ it says so ~ right in my closet!!

Next you'll see where I store most of my paper, embellishments, stamps, printed images and all kinds of items that are patiently waiting for their turn to be altered into something or other!  The (un-finished) wooden box with drawers (second shelf from the bottom) is my sewing box.  Someday I'm going to paint it ~ yep I am!  That tall skinny cabinet, under the raggedy girl, was once storage for someone's CDs ~ now it stores paper mache boxes...they're patiently waiting too!  I just noticed that the basket hanging on it's door is empty!  How did that happen?!

Speaking of the raggedy girl ~ I "won" her on Ebay a long time ago. I paid too much for her, but I love her so!  I wish I could remember the name of the gal who made her.  You can barely see them, but she has the sweetest white baby shoes on.  They have hand-painted roses on their "toes".  Below her photo is a peek at some of those patiently waiting items I mentioned.
My raggedy girl is right next to the door we came in ~ so that means we've traveled all the way around my cozy (8x10) craft room.  I think I've filled it well!

Another look at my desk and some of the special goodies on it.  I like to change up the things on the two tiered stand (love that birdie up on top).  I display things that are next in line to be "played" with or things I just like to look at.  Right now I have plans for the spools and that cute pair of baby shoes!

Here are some special things gathered at the base of my desk lamp.  The sweet little girl is another reminder of a dear friend.

One final look at something in my craft room.  These roses are from my garden. They dried out right on the bush ~ you can see them in their "before the craft room" state HERE.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do them ~ but really, does it matter!?  
Thanks for visiting me.  Please come back anytime!!

Don't forget to stop by The Desert Cottage. There are so many beautiful places to see!  There's an alphabetical list of blogs to visit in her right sidebar.  That's where I'm going to be spending my weekend ~ at least a good chunk of it! 
Thanks Karen! It's so nice of you to host this again.


  1. Marie, What an amazing studio! You are surrounded by such inspiration. I had no idea you once owned a shop, please do share more one day! And yes, of course, I also suffer from "shrinking" work space.

  2. I took my time and looked at every picture...enlarged them to get a closer look. You have an amazing assortment of vintage items and collectibles. Some things in your room I recognized :) and some I had never seen. I love your rag doll..her dress is beautiful. You "studio" is splendid Marie...touches of you everywhere. Whether it's neat or cluttered, don't we just love to work among all of the beauty?
    I'm going to try to get a few more tours in before I go to bed.
    Relax've earned it. Bravo!

  3. Oh my gosh..What a great space. So much to look at. You have so many creative ways of storing your goodies!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. This space absolutely is inspiring. So many amazing finds - love your vintage books and your raggedies. And I fell in love with the pair of litle girl's shoes in the shoe box.

    I'm going to follow you so I can come back again soon! Thanks for sharing.


  5. Fabulous my friend. So incredibly inspiring. What I wouldn't give to paw around a wee little bit. You might find some things missing I'm afraid! :)

    Seriously...beautiful place...filled with grace and peace. LOVELY!


  6. ohhh...those blue cubbies...I am a fan!! love your space...filled with so many wonderful things...
    thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh my ... Marie, you are surrounded by the things you love. What could be better than that for inspiration? I particularly loved the old books and the mystery man brooch. Great story.

  8. What an extremely charming space, Marie. I spent lots of time looking at all the darling treasures. I'm so happy your fairytale finally came true. It couldn't have happened to a nicer Princess. : )
    Mary Lou

  9. What an awesome space ! Hugs,Jen

  10. I love it. Stuffed to brim with Treasure!!! I know what you mean by it taking so long. Mine won't get it's makeover till the Winter when we move the building work down a Floor level. But I am finding all these rooms so inspiring and of course there is a lot of Craft room envy!!!

  11. Your room is like mine.. all the way full... I lvoe it.. I so could see myself creating in here.. thanks for visit ng my place too.. so nice to meet you..

  12. O MY!! what a fantastic space you have!!
    Filled with so many beautiful things!!
    What especially caught my eye was the shelves with all of the vintage red items!! They would look good in my Kitchen! LOL!!

    Thanks so much for your visit and thanks for sharing your lovely space with us today!!


  13. Marie, I really enjoyed seeing your fantastic craft room! I loved seeing your sweet treasures and I loved that blue cubby! How perfect is that?! Thanks for the tour. Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla

  14. Wow you have a lot of really beautiful items! My favs (besides the gorgeous furniture) were the bird nests and those dried flowers.

    Thanks for your La-boratory Love!


  15. I will revisit this post again and again to take in all your wonderful things....its a beautiful space filled with so many treasures....some that really tugged at my heart strings....of course your Raggedies,the precious vintage baby shoes and those sweet little dried roses under glass,so very,very special......enjoy your space Marie....may your spirit be blessed each time you create something special in there.....blessings dear friend.

  16. What a wonderful studio Marie! That shrinking desk syndrome is actually a virus that spread to my table, shelves, walls and now even the floor seems to have it!!! Aren't we blessed to be able to do what we love in spaces with so much inspiration. . . I will be back again to enjoy your wonderful blog - I am a new follower!
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment.
    Hugs to a lovely lady,

  17. I love your space Marie! Thank you for stopping by and your lovely comments. I'm going to keep on taking a bit more of that prime real estate in my family room, you have done a wonderful job filling your room. So many treasures and memories! Hugs to you, Marilou

  18. P.S. I'm now your newest follower and will keep an eye open for your Birdsong Creation. Maybe I'll get one of yours! How fun would that be! :) Marilou

  19. You have a beautiful studio and filled with lots of treasures! I really love your raggedy anne dolls to thanks for sharing your space.

    Have a beautiful day Lisa

  20. Really enjoyed looking around your room! Love all the goodies,You have lot's of things that I collect too! Love that antique photo pin, I have growing collection of them. I haven't seen one with that kind of frame. I enjoyed all the photos. Loved the spools, shoes,silver.... well, everything!
    Regards, Debbie

  21. Every square inch of your work space is a visual delight. I could just look and look and look. Bet you have a lot of fun working here. *smiles* Norma

  22. You have one treasure trove of a studio! :D I drooled all over your old books, sorry... (LOL) Thanks bunches for dropping by my studio and I am glad Nevermore greeted you properly! :D
    Enjoy the rest of your studio hopping!
    Beth P

  23. Oh my! SO many beautiful things... esp the vintage books and your miniatures. I could spend hours just enjoying all the discoveries. Thank you so much for visiting my space, I appreciate your kind comments and welcome the chance to meet you in return!

  24. Wow! I love all the vintage elemets to your craft room! A really pretty space


  25. You've filled your 8x10 room very well. That's roughly the same size as my craft room but yours looks sooooo much nicer than mine does. I see inspiration in every inch of it. As for the desk, do I actually have a desk top underneath all the clutter?

  26. Hi Marie, Love your creative space. Just beautiful and full of wonderful ideas for storage and display. Love the vintage books!You are so talented.
    I really enjoyed my visit.
    Tried to leave a comment a few minutes ago and it would not go through. I hope this one does and if you get two, please delete one.

    Thank you for sharing. I am going to be a new follower too.
    Hugs from Texas, Celestina Marie

  27. You have a wonderful room and have done such a beautiful job of arranging artful and inspiring displays. Love it! Thank you for visiting my blog and leading me here. I will be back to visit again!

  28. I have to say out of all the blogs I've looked at so far, yours is one of my favorites!!! I love all the cool things you have!!!!! Too many to name!!!!
    I am one of your new followers!!!

  29. Whoops I am already one of your followers!!! LOL I should get on my blog more often, well any way I love your studio!!!

  30. Such a sweet person you are. Thank you for your kind words. I loved every nook and cranny of your space. Everything looked like it could tell a story.

  31. Marie,

    I'm dizzy! LOL Oh my gosh, I could come into that creative space and just look and touch for hours on end. I truly love it. I really like that cabinet with all the small cubes in it. Everything is just wonderful.

    I've enjoyed my visit..drop by when you have time.

    Stephanie Suzanne ♥
    Queen of Dreamsz

  32. Oh Marie, your space is SO INSPIRING! I did not join this party this year for my little workshop needs organization! But isn't it fun to have your own space carved out? I am having so much fun hopping from one space to another today! THANK YOU FOR COMING OVER!!! Anita

  33. Ahh my kind of space, full to the brim with incredible treasures.

  34. Dear Marie, you truly have made yourself a fantastic beautiful room- how many goodies, inside there, and lots of wonderful things, to be inspired of. I love all I see ,and your white Raggady is so sweet-what a wonderful place to relax, and to create-
    Thanks for inviting.
    xo ,Dorthe

  35. OMG Marie!!!! I want to come over! I love, love, love your space and all the goodies... I just wanted to reach out and touch so much of your stuff while I was looking through your space! You and I seem to have a lot of the same tastes when it comes to art supplies! Thanks for the wonderful tour!


  36. Hello Marie,

    I think how happy you must to be in your lovely studio among beautiful and inspiring supplies. I like the long doll and the cute white little shoes.

    Thank you very much for stopping by my space and for your kind comments.

    Hello de France
    Helene O.-G.
    aka Hogart

  37. Hey swap the space you create all the wood cubbies.....and I scooped up one of those pen holders at favorite find this how it spins....I am still on the a's in the party but kept seeing your face in the comments so I decided to pop by for a visit!!!!!

  38. I love your studio! All of your treasures and trinkets are so lovely :) And I too suffer from "shrinking desk syndrome" hee hee hee :) Too funny. A very lovely space you have created. Thank you for sharing!


  39. A great space! I especially love the tiered stand with the little shoes and the jars. You obviously enjoy your room and no wonder.

  40. Thanks for visiting my little space. What lovely eye candy you have where you create! So many dear little treasures!

  41. Marie, your studio shines with so much personality, I love every little detail! That blue cubbie shelf is awesome! Thanks for stopping by my blog today, Nan

  42. WoW!!! lovely space. Thanks for sharing. Hugs ---Sandie

  43. You have such an amazing collection of vintage lovelies! Thank you for the tour.

  44. Marie,
    WHat pretty things! And displayed so wondrously.
    I have a thing for tiered trays, and I really like your blue cubby cabinet! Lace in a suitcase, oh what treasures with which to create!

    Thank you for coming by my studio tour,
    ~ Violet

  45. Wow, I don't know which I love more, your fabulous vintage furniture, or your gorgeously displayed materials...all so fabulous!!

  46. Oh it's beautiful! So many pictures that you shared. I want to come over and touch everything. You've given me some inspiration for my creative space. This was a delightful visit. ~ Abby

  47. Great space, must be nice to have a home for everything! Thank you so much for sharing your space. I get such wonderful ideas!

  48. Love all the old books and that antique hutch, wow!

    Thank you for the tour!!

  49. Oh Marie...your studio has a wonderful vibe to it! I so enjoyed my visit! Love the blue cubby hole & the white hutch but my favorite part was the vintagey-flea market aura it exudes...nice job!

  50. Marie, how wonderful to see it all put together!! Now...where on earth did you put all of this beautiful creative merchandise before you had this room! LOL!

    Hugs, Diane

  51. Thanks for your lovely words... I love your creative space. chock full of inspirational goodies.

  52. Oh my goodness Marie! So wonderful to meet you too! Wow what a fabulous crafting space you have! So many beautiful, pretty and eclectic items in your space! I could just browse for hours. I had to come back again and just take it all in! Love it! Smiles and again greetings from me to you! Lovey

  53. Like your studio very much, it's so inspiring. See you like raggedy ann, they are precious. Thank you for the tour.

  54. Thank you for showing so many details. I love a good fairy tale!!
    Your room is so full of goodness, I could spend hours just looking through your goodies. Love that sorter case and all your jars of buttons and lace. Wonderful inspiring space. Keep smiling and creating.

  55. Wow!! You have done an amazing job with your studio. This is just wonderful. I would love to jump through the scrren and explore all those treasures! Thank you so much for sharing your eye candy!

  56. WOW!!!! So inspirational!!! I wish I had somewhere in my tinyland to decorate with the things I LOVE like you did.

  57. Good Morning, Marie,
    I wish I lived close enough to visit your studio in person. You have so many inspirational treasures there. Raggedy Ann is my favorite and I love vintage books...

    Now that both our girls are settled in their own homes, I am slowly catching up with my good blog friends.

    Have a terrific Tuesday ~Natalie

  58. Marie, I loved your space - very inspiring with lots of treasures!

  59. You have a wonderful creative space - full of wonderful treasures. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  60. So full of great Schtuff. love love love the old books and the dried roses. Well....I really didn't see anything I didn't love.
    Thanks for the tour

  61. I would feel right at home - enchanting!

  62. oh Marie....your studio is WONDERFUL!!! I just see so many treasures ~ in each and every photo! I'm so happy for you to have this room as your very own, and you've filled with the most precious things!!!! I loved taking a peek inside :) hugs and love, Dawn

  63. What an inspiring space! I have Raggedy Ann and Andy that my grandmother made for me when I was little. And seeing your old books - I've read some of them! I love inspiring, organized clutter! Thanks for visiting me. Love, Linda

  64. What a fantastic space and all of your mish-mash furniture really works. So many great finds adorn your space. The two tier stand and that other wire holder caught my eye! Thank you so much for the wonderful tour I really enjoyed it!!!

  65. SO many beautiful things to see in your room! What a lucky girl you are! I love all the vintage items!!!

  66. Hi Marie,
    You have an awesome creative space. I think you and I have a similar style in our spaces. I saw a lot of wonderful vintage containers used for storage and display. I love your cubby and all of the inspiration that you have surrounded yourself with. It's a great space!!!

  67. Your studio is Fabulous!! I had to look at each and every photo to enjoy all the goodies you have packed in there! thanks so much for joining the party! I enjoyed my visit!

  68. What a great space you have - packed full of fun goodies. Oh...I could get lost in there! Thanks for stopping by my space too. Such a fun event - to see where so many people create! Cheers - Cathy

  69. Such a lovely space you have to create in and such lovely photos you've taken to show us all. Thankyou for stopping by my blog and for sharing yours! Happy creating x

  70. Imagine my surprise when I entered your studio and there was my name on the board. I felt so welcomed.
    And, there are a pair of Raggedy Anne and Andy's, just like the pair I have. I feel right at home.
    I love your space and am so happy I stopped by, Char

  71. A place for everything and everything in it's place, ya, that would be a dream come true for me. If it ever gets there, it doesn't stay for long, ha!

    Also, since I too suffer from this affliction I will have to borrow your diagnosis....'shrinking desk to' syndrome!

  72. So much to see, I just love the old style charm and feeling with your space, and I can totally sense the love you have put in to it. My favourite storage piece is that light blue shelving (is that old mail slots?). It was very nice treat to view your creative space. Thank you so much to visiting my blog and for your comment, and yes owls are popular, I liked them my whole life... The mug I bought a year ago to sip tea in but it broke so now it houses some pens : )
    Congratulations to your new grandbaby, he looks wonderful, what a gift.



  73. What a great room you have! You're right, you have things stored every where including the floor. How lucky you are to have such fun and amazing supplies and trinkets.
    Thanks for the tour of your lovely studio and thanks for sharing your creations, this was a fun visit.

  74. I enjoyed my visit to your studio, I especially love your collection of vintage pretties, the books are just lovely!!!



  75. You have a wonderful room fool of so many treasures.

  76. What a fabulous room! I just wanted to zoom in on so many things. Thanks for sharing it all with us.

  77. That is a whole lot of goodness in your space. Love your blue cubby and your chest of drawers. I think it is wonderful that your father in law lives with you and you value him. It speaks of who you really are. Keep smiling and creating. thanks for the peeps. Would love to see this upclose and personal.

  78. Thanks for the wonderful tour of your room! This is a treasure where every craft lover would love to spend hours with. :) I guess your grand children, if you allow them into this room, must be getting excited whenever they are here.:)

  79. Oooh... love all the antiques and wooden furniture. And the cubbies are great! I do hope you are able to join the party next year!

  80. Your space is so fun! I love your collection of old books and all of the old glass you filled with treasures. So much eye candy here. We just finished my craft room and it is still evolving. I see that I have a long way to go. Love how cozy yours is! This was my first time joining the party and it has been so fun. Still have lots more to visit.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!