Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Here they are ~ the first time the 4  grandbabies have been together.

Grandpa & Gramma with Elijah, Charlotte,
Penelope & Caleb.

Look What Happens When I Ask them To Smile!!

We may not have it all together ~
But together we have it all!


  1. Oh Marie, your family is just PRECIOUS!!!!! I know you treasure each and every moment with them ~ thank you for sharing them with us!!! We all must cherish these times.....hugs and love, Dawn

  2. Dear Marie, what a wonderful family of yours, we surely shall treasure every moment with them.
    You are all very cute looking-lol

  3. What a great picture with your grandchildren Marie, even the "goofy" one is cute! Got to love those moments when our children make us proud like that!!
    Your new blog page is so neat and fitting for you since you do so many wonderful little paper creations.
    I trust the recovery from your knee replacement is going well (unless you are faking that smile?!) I heard from many the therapy is gruelling. I've not scheduled mine yet-keep putting it off as the pain isn't that bad most days.
    Well as always I enjoy seeing those sweet smiling faces of your darling grandbabies.

  4. LOVE these photos!!!

    The shot of Grandpa & Gramma with Elijah, Charlotte,Penelope & Caleb is awesome!

    The Family shot is priceless! My heart will be smiling all day since visiting with you this morning!

    Sweetest post! :)

  5. I love both of these pictures for different reasons. The top one because it's so obvious seeing the joy on your faces, just how much you love these grandchildren. The bottom one because I love "silly" and your family does it about as good as my crazy bunch does. You just have to laugh every day!!
    Hi everybody! silly! lol

  6. A beautiful family indeed...Your little Caleb looks like he is going to favor his big brother very much. I love your quote Marie....

    "We may not have it all together but, Together we have it all"...speaks true of my family as well....
    Blessings to you and all your sweet family.

  7. That is so beautiful! It is so great to see them all together...even if they act all goofy :-)

  8. Looks like a fun family, I love those quirky family photos!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!