Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Every now and then I like to visit Etsy and look for gift ideas for my grandbabies.  I found a few cute balls that I think Caleb would like to play with.

I think this first one caught my eye because of the bright colors.  I'm working on re-decorating my guest room and I'm really drawn to bright, light and colorful lately. This soft ball would be quite at home rolling across the guest room floor!

Remember this one?  I do!  My children had this Fisher Price chime ball when they were little.  I can't believe it, but I don't think any of the grandbabies have had it!  I might need to remedy that!

This one has a guitar....and Caleb's parents, brother, cousins and aunts and uncles all love to play Rock Band.  So obviously this ball would be perfect!   Soft and round and blue...with a guitar!  Caleb will love it!

Now speaking of round and he is!
In all his roundness.....looking adorable as usual!   Everytime I look at him I thank the Lord for him...and then I think to myself (or sometimes say it out loud)...My goodness, this baby is round! 

So very round.

So very cute!

So very happy!

So very precious....I am so very blessed!

P.S.  Did you notice his mismatched socks?  That's his signature look!  : )


  1. Yes, he is round! And... so... very... cute!

  2. aw, isn't he cute. I remember my kids having that fisher price toy in the second picture

  3. Marie, Caleb is a precious baby. Love his beautiful
    Eyes . I know your Mom will enjoy the excitement of all her beautiful great grand babies.

  4. Oops Marie, forgot to sign my name Pj


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!