Friday, March 23, 2012

Something New

It's always fun to buy a little something new. I know it brightens up my day when a cute little treasure finds it way into my home.  Last Saturday I went to a local craft fair where two friends had a booth.  I came home having purchased something from each of them. First a sweet little card (which I mailed off without taking a picture of it) from Joann, and a little goodie from Patricia for one of my kitchen shelves.   No, it's not that bright, cheery butter dish...that came from my daughters.  Love it!  I think it shouts SPRING!  No, I'm talking about that teeny, tiny little terrarium sitting next to the butter dish.

A little bit or stones,  a little bit of dirt and some pretty moss...all taken care of by the sweetest little gardener I've ever seen!!

Hoo me?  Oh absolutely my cute, little Fimo friend!

Joann and Patricia each have shops on Etsy.
Bet you can't guess what they love to do!  Yep...paint!!

Last November several of us had a craft show at Patricia's house...Joann was one of the several. Next Friday will be our first annual Spring time show.  If anyone reading this is local and would like to visit us please send me an email and I'll send you the info!!

It's going to be good....I think some of these little terrariums will be there!


  1. That terrarium is just adorable!!

  2. Well I do love the bright yellow butter dish but the terrarium is adorable. I sure wish I lived close enough to go to that show

  3. So true...any little trinket that makes your day brighter is worth every penny. : )
    I noticed your Kathrine Brown print a few Posts down. That's one of my favorite prints. I had it up in my children's rooms as they were growing up.
    Have a good weekend,
    Mary Lou

  4. The tiny little owl is simply adorable!
    I wish you lived just around the block so I could stop by your craft show!

  5. I love that terrarium - and I bet it smells SOOOO good when you take the lid off! Spring in a jar!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!