Monday, July 2, 2012

After the Derecho

This weather map is from last Friday at 10:55 PM.

"Between 9:30 and 11 p.m. Friday night, one of the most destructive complexes of thunderstorms in memory swept through the entire D.C. area. Packing wind gusts of 60-80 mph, the storm produced extensive damage, downing hundreds of trees, and leaving more than 1 million area-residents without power."  The storm is called a Derecho.

Crazy weather.  Both of my sons (and families) were part of the 1 million who lost power.  Joe's came back on Saturday night, but Kevin's is still out.  It's been a busy weekend at my house and Katie's.  (Thanks Katie for opening your home to guests!)

Power is still out for so many people.  Traffic lights are out. Trees are down. I work at an insurance agency and we have had a bunch of calls about trees down...on the ground, on a house, on a car!  Katie and Mandy both work in insurance claims....I can't even imagine how busy they are today.

At least 5 people in the Washington DC area were killed.....another 8 deaths in other areas in the eastern United States.   Definitely makes these other things pale in comparison.  I sure am praying for all those affected by this storm..including all those people working outdoors, trying to get things repaired and cleaned up.  Crazy weather indeed!



  1. Dear Marie, I heard of that terribly storm,- so awfull the weather is those last years, and like getting worce all the time.
    I`m happy for you that your kids "only" lost power, and feel so sorry for all the ones having had to leave home, and those having lost family members!

  2. Been following news of the storm on TV. So sorry that you and your family have been affected. Praying for you and yours a quick return to "normal".

  3. John just called his 95 year old Aunt Marie and her electricity is still out too. She is from Mays Landing NJ down the shore. She is doing okay with battery operated fans and coolers of ice to keep her food cold. Crazy weather for sure!

  4. Thanks for letting us come over! I'm sure Azalea appreciated it too.

  5. I've heard reports about the damage the storms have been doing. Hopefully they will have things cleaned up and power restored soon.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!