Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Garden Vase

One very nice thing about my A Photo a Day in June blog posts is that they have provided content for additional posts.   Ever since I took this photo I've wanted to make a Garden Vase. 
I was thinking about that vase when I shared this photo-a-day shot
That empty bottle, along with a branch and some wire turned into just exactly what I wanted!  It's the perfect touch for my herb garden. 

Happy Tuesday!


  1. The empty bottle project is solved! That is so simple but yet it's so darn cute!

  2. I like it. It is perfect for your garden.
    I wanted to let you know also that I put a package in the mail for you today. They said it should get to you about Saturday :)

  3. Great idea! I'm gonna think about how to do one of these in my garden!

  4. thats a neat idea! I did mason jars with candles in them wired onto tree branches one summer....fun.


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Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!