Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Christmas crates have invaded my living room...it's looked like this since Sunday night.  Hopefully by Wednesday evening all the decorating will be done and the crates will be packed away. It was hard to get much done at home because I worked until 5:00 PM last night, and then did grocery shopping and some Christmas shopping until 8:00 PM!  The plan is to get back to decorating tonight.  It's a good plan.......but you know what they say about plans!! 

The tree got decorated Sunday night.  I broke three ornaments this year. That's more than I've broken in the past three years!  I also managed to break the clip off of my tree top star.  We've had this star for over twenty years and I love it and I wanted to use it! 
So I tied it to the top of the tree!!
Don't you love the string?! 

This little angel hides the tangled mess perfectly. 
Plus there's something sweet about a crooked star.  : )

I'll leave you with  a peek at my tree.  No themes on this tree...actually there is a theme...it's called "all the ornaments that I love".   I like a lot of different ornaments and a really full tree...you can probably tell!

Stay tuned for more decorating adventures...
By the way...do you see that Santa with arms and legs made from gold beads? Bill bought that ornament for his mom when he was 8 years old.  That Santa is 56 years old! 


  1. Its a very beautiful tree Marie....I still have a tub in my livingroom filled with decorations...been busy helping get my brother to the doctor. I do hope to get some decorating done today though....blessings on your Christmas season dear friend....wish I was close enough..I would love coming over and giving you a hand with your decorating :)

  2. I love the tied on star. I'm not kidding. There's something about it not being perfect that makes it go great with the rest of your mish-mash tree. Some day I hope to have a tree like yours... full of memories for each (or at least a lot) of the ornaments.

  3. You're tree looks pretty and I like how you made do with the star. You are way ahead of me on the decorating. I don't know if I'll even bother with much more than the tree and the few things that are sitting out already


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!