Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Still Pretty in Pink

First of all....let me confess that I borrowed all these photos from my daughter-in-law's Facebook page.  The first one and last one are new photos...Jacqi just took them and I love them!  She actually took all of them (most on her phone), but the two I mentioned are extra-special photo shoot photos!
Can you tell that this sweet girl LOVES PINK!!  It's her very favorite color.  She talks about pink all the time.  Back in March we went on a "pink shopping trip!"  No matter what color she wears, no matter what color her Christmas tree is, she is one of the sweetest little girls I know. She's my very favorite blonde too!! 


Sweet "P"


  1. Love the pictures of sweet P. she's. soooo adorable, The last one is just beautifully!! So much fun to have a girlie girl. Pj

  2. There couldn't be a sweeter little girl loving her pink! She melts my heart!

  3. She's soooooo beautiful. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  4. Confession is always good for the soul. Ha!
    She is adorable and going by the last picture, I would say she has her Gramma's smile!

  5. Borrowed pictures are just as good as the ones you take yourself. She is just so darn cute. Looking at that sweet face makes you want to reach in the computer and give her a big hug :)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!