Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Elijah

Today is Elijah's 5th birthday. I started this blog about six months after he was born, so he's pretty much grown up right here.  I can't believe my first grandchild is five years old!!

We had a birthday party for him yesterday at our house.  It was an "Angry Bird" themed party...same theme as his 4th birthday party.  This little guy loves "Angry Birds"!!!  He thought his dad looked great in his mask!

Besides his little brother Caleb, and cousins Charlotte & Penelope, Elijah's two friends Sammy & Delia Rose joined in the fun!

That's right!!  Elijah is five!!

Of course we had party hats....

...I spent many minutes trying to get a group shot of the "littles" in their party hats.  I gave up...but this glass sat nice and still for me!

We also had a game. Drawing on our heads is great fun..especially with Johanna giving us step by step instructions!

I won...even while taking photos!  You can tell what this is....right!?
  1. draw a table top
  2. draw a cake on the table
  3. decorate the cake
  4. write the #5 above the cake
  5. draw a fireplace, complete with mantle, next to the table
  6. draw a banner on the mantle
  7. and a present below the banner

There were party favors....

...and goodie bags!

We ate pizza....that meant no cooking....YAY!
Yes, that's my Christmas tree....maybe I'll take it down next week.  I really like it this year!!
See that baby photo hanging on the tree?  That's Mandy...she's the one eating some pizza.

We also had some "happy meals".

Then it was time to gather for the opening of presents.  The big guys are very excited about this part. The little guys think the big guys are kind of funny!

Yep...he loves "Angry Birds"!!

He was so excited by the "Angry Birds" fleece blanket that was inside the suitcase from Gramma & Grandpa, that he fell right into the suitcase.

He read his birthday card from Sammy, Delia Rose and their parents.  He read the greeting that was inside...I always tear up when he reads.  He such a smart little guy, and he's growing up way too fast!

Of course there was cake!  Yes, we forgot the he got this king-size votive.

He loved it lit up!

We had a great day!  (yes Penelope...he's five!)

I love you Elijah and I hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration today at your house!!



  1. Really-where does the time go? Happy Birthday Elijah! 5 is a great learn soo much between 4 and 5. The drawing game looked like lots of fun..I think we might need to try this with our gang. Carlie and Miles will be here this coming weekend for Papa's last Sunday. I can't believe it's finally happening. Have a great week my friend.

  2. Happy Birthday to Elijah....what a fun party. My tree is still up too Marie :) Blessings on your week dear friend

  3. It was a fun party. Thanks for taking pictures and buying/decorating the cake! Elijah really enjoyed himself and he loved all his presents.

  4. Happy Birthday Elijah. Looks like it was a really fun party. What a fun game that would be with the drawing.

  5. Looks like a great party. Lots of smiling and laughing! Happy Birthday to Elijah!

  6. Fun fun fun! Happy birthday, Elijah! Wonderful family photos and memories!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!