Thursday, January 3, 2013

His Timing is Always Perfect

"Help us to humbly put our hands into Your hand,
and to trust You and to seek Your will for our lives during this coming year."
Billy Graham
I used this quote in my New Year's Day post.  I worked on that post the morning of Dec 31st.  Typically I set up the "next day's post" the night before.  Occasionally I have it ready earlier in the day....sometimes even a day or two before....but 90% of the time it's just the night before. 
When I chose the quote from Billy Graham I thought it was a nice quote...a really good prayer for myself, my family, and anyone else who happened to visit my blog.  I had nothing specific in mind that New Year's Eve morning....something about it just spoke to me.  So I decided to go ahead and get the posting done. Good thing....because had I put it off to do that evening...,well, I don't know if it would have "spoke to me" then.  I was definitely not in the same frame of mind. 
I probably wouldn't have even taken the time to set up a post that night.
You see, before the year ended something happened that abruptly changed my little world.  When I (finally) woke up New Year's Day and got on the computer my new post was there.  I read the quote again.  I thanked God for the reminder and put my hand into His. God knew exactly when the post needed to be scheduled.
Everyone is fine...healthy...that's not the issue at all.  But life has taken a very unexpected turn, and events leading up to that turn have stoked very strong emotions in strong that I'm just not quite sure what to do with them. 
But I do know what to call the emotions.
Fear, Hurt, and Anger.
I need to trust the Lord with the future and I need to somehow deal with my anger in a Biblical way.
I'm sorry to be so vague - but it's not entirely my story to share. 
I share what I have so far because I know that there are people (who read my blog) who pray. 
They take time and they pray, and I need those prayers right now....



  1. Praying for you Friend
    Woolie Blessings

  2. Whatever the situation my dear sweet friend....God is so very able...I know prayers are with you....blessings in Jesus name.

  3. Thankfully, we can always trust in the Lord. He will see you through this and those emotions you feel. There's no need to share all, Our Lord knows the situation and your every need as we lift you up in prayer. You have always been such an encouragement through your blog, it is an honor to pray for you.

  4. All you need to do is ask and I will gladly say a prayer for you. Any time. I leave you with a though...If He leads you to it He will lead your through it.

  5. Praying for you, Dear Marie, as you have prayed for me.

  6. I am definitely praying. Love to you!

  7. My prayers are with you, too, Marie...God knows just what you need...XO


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!