Friday, November 8, 2013

Bathroom #2 Makeover - Before

Back in August I shared the makeover of the bathroom Bill uses...I never did share photos of it all decorated though.  That's because we still haven't settled on a shower curtain! 
On Monday the makeover will begin on the main bathroom.  We'll be replacing the old tub/shower surround and the floor with ceramic tile. I'm super excited about that!
Here it is....the wall art has been removed. Everything else will come out
this weekend.  I think the change is going to wonderful!
The next three photos are my inspiration rooms. You can find links to them on my
Bathroom Pinterest board.  I really like the blue & white color combination...especially
with the black & white mosaic floor tile.
The tub/shower area will look like this...I love the three shelves in the
corner.  I debated on whether or not I wanted the wall tile to go all the way
up to the ceiling or not.  I went back and forth a dozen times. The final
decision was made yesterday.  'All the way up' won.
I knew I didn't want a white vanity...but trying to decide between black and
dark brown took some time.  I went with dark brown.

Oh, a bathroom this size would be awesome.  I love everything about
this space.  It's not quite the look that I'll end up with, but it confirmed my
floor tile choice.  This tile is what I was going to get.  But I opted for a tile
with a little less black in it.
It's been fun browsing through websites and then 'pinning' the things
that appeal to me onto Pinterest.  Puts it all in one
spot...and that's way easier than remembering!
Here's my tile...I LOVE it!  I also love the vanity we decided on...hopefully I won't
miss the drawers too much!  The shower curtain is an issue in this bathroom too. 
I kind of like this one...but I'm also thinking about making one out of an old white
chenille bedspead.  So many decisions!
The new bathtub is a tiny bit wider than the old's also a few inches deeper.  We're using
6x6 inch tiles in the tub/shower area.  Mandy has them in her bathroom and I really like
how they look.  I'd really like to find an old mirror, but if I can't this might be the back up.
Once this is all done I'll start the decorating.  That's going to be fun. 
I have an old 16x20 oil painting that I hope to use over the toilet. 
The painting is my decorating inspiration.
That's a whole other post though!
Happy weekend!!


  1. I like all your choices. My bathroom is in desperate need of a makeover

  2. I have always loved that black and white tile. Once I had an old, old house that had that had that tile on,y it was at least 50 years old. Looks great with any color and will stand the test of time. I love your vanity, too. You're rolling along here. We did our bathrooms a few years ago and the best thing we did was go to the taller commodes and higher more bending over. I think all of the vanities they make are 35-36" height, now.
    Have fun with your planning!

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  5. I love an old clawfoot tub...always have. You picked some good choices for inspiration rooms. Blessings friend


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!