Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Super Party!

January went by in such a blur....babies being born, illness, crazy weather!
I never shared photos from Elijah's "Super Heros" party.
His birthday was on January 7th and his party was at our house on the 12th.
Elijah attended in his Thor costume...complete with hammer!
Johanna served 'power enhancing food', including make your own "hero subs".

The little heros (with help from the big heros) created their own star badges.

Sometimes Super Heros have to fight off evil this T-Rex piñata!!  Nasty creature ate all the candy.  But our Super Heros saved the day.  Unfortunately the video I thought I was taking....well let's just say I stopped when I thought I started, and started when I thought I stopped.

Time for cupcakes, candles and singing.
Also time for the Mighty Thor to use his mighty lungs to blow out those candles!


Yay Thor!!

Yay presents too!  Two favorites...a gift certificate to Toys R Us, and that
Elijah the Super Hero book I mentioned in his birthday post.

After presents it was time to eat those yummy cupcakes.  Caleb was excited at the mention of cupcakes, but chose not to partake. Lulu decided balloon ribbons were more to her liking. The rest of the guests...well as I said, "yummy cupcakes" for sure!!

It was a 'super' party in every way!
Elijah the Super Hero had a great time. I hope this next year is super fun for him!! 
I don't know if he used his gift certificate yet, but he did visit Toys R Us on his actual birthday.  He got a crown and a balloon...and Johanna got a photo of him showing them off in the "chair department".


  1. A party fit for a super hero :) Looks like it was a lot of fun. Hope he found something good to buy with that gift card.

  2. What a great day for all....I like that words sign behind your son in one of the pictures...I need to make some word signs for myself...they can be wonderful reminders to us of God's amazing goodness...looking at all these photos..are just that kind of an reminder...God is matter what :) I know you would agree with me sister friend Blessings and a happy belated birthday to your sweet man Elijah

  3. I think the pinata was my favorite part. The fact that most of those kids couldn't actually say pinata and then the life-threatening swings they were taking at it.

  4. The pianta was definitely the highlight of the day!! Glad to be able to "help" Elijah bust that bad boy open!

  5. Your family always creates the most wonderful Birthday celebrations! So many clever ideas for a fun afternoon. Love the star badge idea!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!