Monday, March 24, 2014

A Profitable Weekend

Well, I had my injections and I feel a bit better today.  I slept very well and some of the most bothersome pain has lessened.  However, the weekend was rough!  Sitting was not comfortable at all, so lying down and standing were my positions of choice.  I was able to get some reading & napping done, and I also spent some time creating.  Lucky for me, I have a counter in my craft's the perfect height for creating while standing!  
We just scheduled our annual Christmas Arts & Crafts Show.  It's going to be in early November...that'll be here before we know it.  I need to get busy!

I gathered together some "stuff" I wanted to create with.  
I've had a lot of this for months...a couple pieces even for years.

The porcelain electrical receptacle, and the metal wall sconce were recent 
purchases in Pennsylvania.  I found the two metal pans at a thrift store last week. 
The rest of it was tucked away right here at home.

Here's a look at what I've created with some of this "stuff" so far.

These saucers are now pretty, little wall mirrors.  I love how they turned out. 
I have lots of saucers without matching cups, but no more mirrors.
What else would you do with 'orphan' saucers?

Another quick craft with old favorite is the one with the brown pedestal.  
Love that little plate, and the combination of the it and the pedestal is perfect!

Take a look at the porcelain electrical receptacle. I glued an old tart tin to it.  Now it's a candle holder...or whatever kind of holder you want it to be.  I'm very happy with this piece.

These two wood pieces weren't changed very much.  I added a sheet music insert to one.

A piece of "dictionary" scrapbook paper covered up the writing on the front of the brown rack.  
Now I'm trying to decide if they need a little something else.  Especially the brown piece.
Maybe a word stenciled across the top. Thoughts?

I've had this little lamp for years....the old shade frame almost as long.  I put them together with some old lace and ended up with this pretty lamp....on and off.

It's fun to take something old and turn it into something new.  
It's nice to create a bit.  It's also nice to have less pain!
Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and emails!

Linking up with Knick of Time Tuesday.


  1. Lots of great creations, Marie! You have been busy! I'm glad to hear the injection is giving you some relief!

  2. Glad to hear the injections helped.
    Love what you did with all these things. Those saucer mirrors are so clever and the ones on pedestals are great.
    Love what you did to the porcelain electrical receptacle too.
    You had a very productive weekend

  3. Glad you are feeling a little better. I agree, there is something missing from the piece with the dictionary pages on it. It should have some label (I picture dark brown medium sized letters either as an arc on top or on the middle tier of the bottom), however it's hard to figure out what, though, as you don't want to get too specific... but I'm sure you will figure out something, like you always do. :-)

  4. Marie, glad your feeling better. Your creations are lovely. Think you should open a etsy shop. Pj

  5. I've read every word and looked at all of the photos enlarged and I am so impressed at all that you've created! Silk purse from a sow's ear! Very clever and lovely transformations. I'm with PJ, I think you're ready for an Etsy shop!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!