Friday, March 21, 2014

Daffodils & Prayers

Bill and I went grocery shopping this week.  While he went to get a shopping cart, I visited the little floral department, and immediately spotted these sunny, yellow, Tête-à-Tête Daffodils.  Bill returned with the cart....and they were the first item I put in it!

Wouldn't it be lovely to have a garden full of these blooms?!
"And then my heart with pleasure fills,
and dances with the daffodils."   Wordsworth     

High above a daffodil
I couldn't hardly reach it
Said I to me I think I will
Get it for my teacher
I climbed to reach the daffodil
Out on a limb so thin
I tumbled down like Jack and Jill
And skinned my little chin.
From the Little Rascals

How can you look at this flower and not smile? 
I think it looks like a little, yellow top hat!

 Narcissus and daffodils are two different names for exactly the same bulb. 
Narcissus is the Latin name for daffodils while daffodil is the common name for all
members of the genus Narcissus.  Did you know this? I didn't!

I have the day off from work today.  I've been having some back and hip problems,
and I'm getting an injection that will hopefully help with the pain.  My appointment is in the
morning....afterwards I'll be taking it easy at home. 
I'll have all afternoon to enjoy my sunny, yellow daffodils!
If you happen to think of me....I sure would appreciate prayers for a
successful outcome!  Thanks a bunch!



  1. Yes, your daffodils made me smile :)

    Praying for you now and as you come to mind on Friday. <3


  2. I love the daffodils and I didn't know that Narcissus were the same thing.
    Best of luck to you this morning. I hope that injection helps. I've been thinking I need to call the doctor since I've been having problems with my hip also. Getting old is so much fun. :)

  3. The sunny yellow makes me smile, too! You are in my daily prayers already, but I'll step it up. 😢 Remember to really take it easy!
    Sending hugs!

  4. Consider yourself prayed for! That kind of pain is no fun. Have a wonderful day enjoying your daffodils.

  5. Father God,I ask you to touch my dear friend Marie. Healing for her Jesus name. Relieve all pain and restore health to her bones...your will be done...amen.

    I bought some beautiful daffodils just like these last year,after I enjoyed then
    M inside,I then set them out in the flowerbed,they bloomed this year which was a pleasant surprise :-)

  6. Oh, dear blogging friend, I hope you are beginning to feel relief. I will be praying. Your photos are beautiful!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!