Monday, June 22, 2015

Bloomin' Backyard and a Recipe

We have a lot of Day Lilies in our yard, and when they're in bloom they are everywhere. But there's always room for more....I'd love to get some purple ones!

"Strawberry Candy"

"Wild Orange"

"Common Tawny"

But they Daylilies aren't the only things blooming. There are pops of colors scattered here and there...including some beautiful shades of green.  I love when the green is vivid and (almost) makes a hot day feel a little bit cooler! 

"Yarrow" and "Peppermint"



"Black-Eyed Susan"

Besides the flowers that are in bloom...we also have a little bit of lettuce, a couple tomato plants, and a big pot of this.....

"Swiss Chard"

I found a recipe (on Pinterest of course!) for "Spicy "Swiss Chard Chips".  They sound yummy and easy and I have all the ingredients.  They are definitely going on my "to-do" list  this week!
Happy Monday!!


  1. Your flowers are gorgeous! I grew up eating Swiss chard. It seems to be a newer vegetable around these parts---most of my friends have never heard of it. I'll be anxious to see if you like the chips. Do share the recipe if you do!

  2. What fabulous flowers! I love that gorgeous Day Lily in your first photo - the color is stunning :o)

  3. Your yard is full of pretty stuff. I have orange day lilies but that's all. I like those ones in the first picture


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Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!